
Keep telling people to circumvent IT policy and security controls by using portable apps... It makes IT securitys constant cat and mouse game just that much more interesting! We've added a section to our acceptable use policy specifically talking about portable apps, and including the phrase "up to and including

please, no! One more way for those who insist on playing their crappy music as loud as their crappy speakers will go on a crowded bus.

When I get stressed I grab my .45 and head to the range. There's something about the calm of finding my target, inhale... exhale... hold... squeeze the trigger and watching the hole appear in the paper target that helps me center myself.

When I get stressed I grab my .45 and head to the range. There's something about the calm of finding my target, inhale... exhale... hold... squeeze the trigger and watching the hole appear in the paper target that helps me center myself.

Sadly, no. That table is only good for network (or audio) gear, and even that's questionable.

Sooo... open a cabinet, drop in a server, close the door and call it a server cabinet? Where do I mount the rails?

I was lucky enough to have a friend I'd worked with at a different company who liked me enough to create a spot for me at his new firm when he heard I got laid off from that company where we both worked.


Circumventing IT policy is generally not recommended. We put those rules in place to protect the firm. "up to and including termination" comes to mind.

My security deposit was almost $2500. Yep, it's worth the time to get that back.

They're in San Francisco, they mark water cisterns thruout the city for emergencies where the normal water supply is cut off. They were put in shortly after the 1906 quake.

hahaha overtime pay. Wouldn't that be nice. We're expected to put in 50hrs at our desk, another couple hours a night at home and 8-10hrs on the weekends, plus a 24x7 oncall rotation that ends up being 1 week every 6.

I just walked outside and looked down, there it was lol

NAS. I deal with ESXi and various server platforms all day, every day. When I get home the last thing I want to do is keep working.

sadly most have no idea.

So a redesign of the plug, rather than a different jack configuration. Not a bad idea, but probably an extremely difficult sell.

Apple tried a recessed jack. Everybody had to buy new headphones to fit it, then they scrapped the idea and went back to the normal one.

Don't think they can't read the year on a quarter from a satellite camera.

It's a shame there hasn't been a tractor trailer accident on their property.

It's just not the same without the light leaks.