
But what will become of JDate?!

I have a couple baseball caps that smell ok for a day after they get washed, but as soon as they get sweaty again the stink comes right back.

I never said there was something wrong with the stuff, that was all you. It is what it is, beef byproduct. It's edible, it's safe because it's been treated with the same ammonia gas that so many foods are treated with.

Cutting out fast food doesn't necessarily cut out pink slime. Grocery stores use the stuff in their ground beef - which is fine - if they told people they were paying a premium for a lesser quality product. They chose to not tell anyone. Customers feel deceived, customers want what they're paying for, customers

Absolutely! Every time I have to change the batteries in my apple BT keyboard.

That's fine with me. There's bound to be a bar next door or down the street.

uhh. No. "Nope, sorry, you can't see my phone. You're more than welcome to find me on yours"

Sign me up too

I wouldn't have it any other way! Sadly my xbee shield is coming smartpost, it'll be here... umm... eventually. maybe.

I had it pretty good. He's been at the school for 45 years, well respected and the kids all liked him because he was tough but fair. Every once in a while I run into someone he'd thrown out for one reason or another, for the most part they've said they deserved it. When I did something dumb man did he let me know.

Hmm. I have an arduino that says these chairs would be AWESOME for office pranks.

When I got in trouble in school I got sent to my dads office. He was the disciplinarian in my high school. Man going home those days sucked!

Wasn't a quote that I know of?

of course they think I'm lying, I was driving therefore I must be drunk.

and all this time I've been blaming my mother.

Every time I've been asked if I'd been drinking and answered I had a beer or 2 with dinner I get asked why I stopped at 2.

I finally broke 75k this year and couldn't be happier about it. 50k wouldn't cut it here, even for a single person.

That's why they call it the GSM buzz.

or for $5/year you can keep 20g + the 7 they give you free. That was an easy one.

Retail therapy.