
For people who like learning visually (e.g., watching videos), there are at least three shows to watch:

Uh, if you use gmail and iOS, you can use filters to mark unimportant messages as read. This causes the push to still occur, but no sound/vibration are made. (Actually, this works for any push mail service that supports filtering.)

Does he float? Does he weigh the same as a duck?

I'll second the review site recommendation (and dpreview is great). Busy/nontechnical people can just skip to the end of the reviews.

Yeah, I really don't see the need for this. Generally, an old AM radio works best. It's not all that sensitive, though, and so you have to be pretty close to the interfering device. However, it's cheap and easy.

Also, I should say that both of my wireless "routers" aren't really routers — they're simply being used as wireless access points (dhcp is turned OFF in tomato, which would explain why I'm not seeing the issues you have). The home firewall — which is where dhcp is served — is a separate ALIX box running m0n0wall.

Just as another data point: I've never had router issues with Tomato and iOS. One router is an old WRT54G, and the other is a Asus N16. I've never rebooted them, and they just keep on working and working. (And, yes, this is with multiple iPhones and iPads, which do get upgraded to the latest and greatest iOS.)

Well, keep in mind that the phone calls are free only as long as GV is free. Also, if he or anyone else streams videos (or any other bandwidth hogs), the VOIP calls will suffer, unless you somehow implement QoS or get the obihai device that supposedly has a QoS router built into it.

I'd also like to mention that you can use an Obihai device to make free calls within the US using google voice (as long as GV has free calls). This is a hardware box where you plug in a LAN cable and any wireless/wired POTS phone, and it makes phone calls using GV or a SIP provider. There's no computer involved in

Nice, I may have to get one (or two or three ...)

Eh. Many major metropolitan areas have a Japanese stationery store, which will often have a huge selection of pens, like gel pens, ink pens, brush pens, calligraphy pens, fountain pens, multi pens, etc., etc. — certainly enough to be orgasmic for pen porn addicts. :) Also, you can often choose your pen size:

I think that's a combination of Windows 7 themes (the dark folder jacket, otherwise you get the default manilla color) and displaying large or extra large icons (which then inserts some document images into the folder jacket).

+1 :) :) :)

Agreed. Vacuvin is wonderful for extending the life of a bottle of wine.

Yup, what @crisss1205 said: ~3-month leadtime from iOS beta to iPhone release.

Interestingly, I got the old page that offered the really cheap plans, until I enabled google drive. Once I did that, I couldn't get the old plan. (However, I still appear to be grandfathered into my old 20GB plan for US$5/year, for a total of 25GB.) I don't know if this was a glitch, or a loophole.

One possible issue with google contacts and iOS is that google sync does not support contact groups. They're supported on android, but not iOS, for some reason. Note that this is a strange google limitation and not an iOS one. Of course, this is a non-issue for those who like having one ginormous pile of contacts.