
One way is to go to the main inbox page, scroll to the bottom of the page, and, in the lower-right corner, click on the "Details" link below, "Last account activity".

Good idea, but that also means that the lettuce may absorb any odors in the fridge. Of course, if your fridge is odor-free, great. Mine, not always. :-(

Uh, no. Just to be clear: you want to leave out the seasonings when storing — especially salt. Salt will draw out the water. Unless you want a mess at the bottom of the bowl, leave out the salt.

For many people, using the right headphones will make a bigger difference. I'm still using a pair of inexpensive (for the time — $100) 20-25-year-old Sony MDR V7's (I think it's the V7 as opposed to the V6 — it's at work, and I'm currently at home). This is a closed, over-the-ear headphone. The low-end-bass,

You're on the right track, but you're not working smart enough.

You need a better spam filter. I'm using an old email address that lots of spammers apparently have, and my ISP's spam filter does a pretty good job of filtering it out. I get maybe 0.5-1 per day that makes it past the filter. (Side note: I also happen to forward mail from this address to gmail, for mail

I happen to like new tabs, and would find inline articles to be too messy/ugly.

I happen to like the Stylish style, "Google Reader MOD + Colors", with list-mode turned on. Sure, it leaves most of the buttons alone, but I actually use the search button, the "mark all as read" button, and the "All items/XXX new items" menu. Everything gets shown in a much more colorful and compact style.

+999, listen to Kandralla, peeps.

Collusion shows you where you may have privacy issues, but does nothing about it.

OK (that's good, actually), but this LH article gives the impression that searching works in CA.

I tried googling for three different California license plate numbers — nothing. I suppose that's good.

Interesting trivia: at 60MPH, it takes around 60 seconds to travel 1 mile.

Well, it's missing again.

Yeah, cool technique, but the guy's presentation is waaaaay too annoying.

Well, in my case, I think the icons are horrible. While I've gotten used to them, I always have to stop and think a moment to remember which is which. It's disruptive to me. (Perhaps I'm slow, but it took me the longest time to realize that the "archive" button is a box with a "+" — I always thought that it was


Seeing as how some people see it, but others don't, this is likely app-related, where something starts sucking up 100% CPU. People need to start posting their list of installed apps (yeah, yeah, I know how impossible this is, but how else are you going to determine which apps are the problems ones — and keep in mind

And, for the people looking for ideas on what to put inside Mr Bento, here are some Japanese-style ideas: [www.justbento.com] (you'll have to scroll down a bit).