
You really need to read the links. While LH did mangle some of the info, the recommendations are largely correct. The only recommendation, that I'd disagree with, is the "Don't leave it fully charged" one. Many users will likely never see an issue, as they'll often replace their devices before this becomes a

I used to use stanza, but stopped since they borked it with the iOS5 release, and didn't fix it for an unacceptably long time. For that matter, I'm really surprised that they did fix it, considering that Amazon has lots of reasons to kill it, and virtually none to fix it.

No, the iPhone is a "backup iPad", for when I (often) can't carry the iPad around. As portable as the iPad is, you can't just stick it into (virtually) any pocket.

Isn't this the kind of thing that, if you did this in school, got you laughed at or beat up? :)

I wonder if this would also solve the "stolen/lost iPhone" iMessage issue?

Those scenes are too neat. The artist needs to look at some real-life examples: [www.joe-ks.com]

Umm, palemoon also has optimized 64-bit builds of Firefox ....

Oops, need MOAR beer!!!

Giz really needs to post these articles earlier. As it is: Christmas: nope, not a chance. New Year's: iffy. Some random party in 2011: yeah, maybe, but it won't be as much fun.

Unless you use some third-party app or website (e.g., nuevasync), there's only one way to get push gmail: google sync, as others have mentioned. It's reliable, it works, and it works well. It's only real downside is that "delete" always means "archive", and there's no way to change that. However, you can always

Back on November 15, 2011, this obscure website called "lifehacker" had a detailed, step-by-step article on how to best set up push gmail. The only thing missing was properly setting up your google calendars, but the commenters took care of that.

Wat? Seriously?

Unless they've just magically changed this in the past few hours, please note that Soluto is hard-coded to only install on drive C:.

While this is a decent DIY (and cheap, to boot!), you can buy wireless systems for under $30 or thereabouts. Just mount the sensor on the door and plug in the receiver in the house. Voila, done.

I should say that, while old lenses may "work" on digital bodies, you might be missing features, such as autofocus (which may not be supported on old lenses).

In general, regular old lenses work fine with digital bodies, as long as the mounts are compatible. That's true for Canon and Nikon, but I don't know about Pentax. There appears to be many different variants of "K-mounts", and you're probably best off asking this question on a specialized Pentax forum.

I'm going to be d**ned for this, but I'm going to say it anyway: this is a dual-edged sword.

I just take pictures of items, with additional pictures specifically of model/serial numbers, and dump them all into an evernote notebook. Where available, I also copy any pdf manuals into evernote, too. That way:

Water and energy may be cheap and plentiful where you are, but that's not true everywhere. The US southwest has water issues, with occasional mandatory water conservation for some places (every several years?). One problem in the southwest is that water goes down the drain, but very little rain may fall to refill

You're missing the point.