
That's because it's apparently an android app (note how the URL contains "nexus-one").

Until hotmail supports standards like IMAP, it's still sad.

This, seriously.

Heh, I'm waiting for a Roman gladius for my vegetable chopping needs. :)

If it's that acidic, you should add aluminum to that list, too, as aluminum can be dissolved by acids.

The definitive book is David Kahn's, "The Codebreakers": [www.amazon.com]

Sorry, you misunderstand — I like the idea of archiving, for all of the reasons that you mentioned, but I don't want to archive everything. I get a LOT of notifications that I don't want archived (e.g., "user XXX has replied to your posting on forum YYY"), and I just want to delete those. I probably delete most of

Except that google, in its infinite (fascist) wisdom, decided that "delete" always means "archive" if you use the mail app and the google sync interface (which is the only way to get push gmail). Yes, there's no way to actually delete email via the iOS mail app, if you use google sync (ok, yes, you could move mail to

lol, "The item you've requested is not currently available in the US store."

They're not likely to screw over the user interface and use near-invisible colors for lines, stark/high-contrast/black-and-white themes, and funky icons instead of text labels (seriously — a folder icon for "move to" and an exclamation mark for "mark spam"???)

One issue is that a 7" screen will be a web browsing problem for many parents, whose eyes are no where near as good as yours. The screen size may be perfectly fine for videos, but it'll likely be an issue with browsing and email. Of course, if the parents don't do any browsing/email, then this isn't an issue.

Seems useful, but "looks sharp" is in the eye of the beholder. :)

That looks surprisingly like a comet strike ...

Ultradefrag looks interesting, but their release schedule seems positively glacial. It took around 11 months to go from 5.0 beta1 to 5.0 RC1, and around 3 months from beta3 to RC1. At this rate, it wouldn't surprise me if another 6-9 months passed before the actual release of 5.0.

Some (few?) people are running into some kind of contacts issue with exchange (and icloud?) where the iPhone gets warm and the battery gets drained pretty quickly. (Technical details: a data synchronization daemon — dataaccessd — runs and crashes, the crash reporter runs, the daemon runs again and crashes, the crash

Refreshing the page makes the links work.

There seems to be multiple issues here. Here are the ones that I know about:

This is "Hillbilly Brilliant"!

The comic still has it backwards: cell phones cure cancer. :)