
@Jon Jessee: Ah, you misunderstand — I don't need or want synching, as I tend to get a couple thousand or more entries a day. Not only would synching this many take a while, but I'd sometimes go through them quickly (I skip a lot, meaning that these would have been unnecessarily synched), or I'd often want to drill

VOTE: Google Reader

For tracking, I prefer to use [www.usetrackthis.com,] which has an option for sending you twitter direct messages (i.e., private DMs, not public twitter messages). I then use a push-enabled twitter app on my iPhone (but other smartphones should also work) to get up-to-date pushed status messages on my packages. With

@xxdesmus: While it's probably likely that Verizon will offer an unlimited plan, it's not guaranteed. Note that Verizon explicitly said that the iPhone plan "pricing will be announced at a later date" (taken from Verizon's FAQ). I found that to be pretty strange, as Verizon already has smartphone pricing.

How about they all suck? Boxee has an awful and difficult-to-use UI, and XBMC fascistly requires you to organize your media in its way (and only its way).

@everyones.uh.critic: Alternatively, you can just forward all your email to gmail, and let the free gmail do the pushing for you.

Google Voice is good, but Beluga (iOS, web) is great for (private) group messaging. It's as easy to use as text messaging, but you can create multiple topics/conversations/threads, with the same friends or with different ones. While you can message one-on-one, it has really nice features, such as: (1) you can have

@Kaos78: While I generally agree with you, why must great stories be told? The best kind of giving is anonymous giving. While the author certainly has the right to publish what he wrote, doing so, well, "cheapens" the deed, especially since he wrote something about himself (it would be a bit different if a

@EnzoFX: Which ones have you tried? Both IM+ Pro and BeejiveIM work for me (AIM & Yahoo), although older versions had issues. I'm currently using IM+ Pro, but that's mainly because I happen to prefer its UI.

@jcnaquin: This. If anyone's getting any noticeable amount of spam, they really should consider switching email providers.

@acidrain69: That's still not a good reason to not replace the valve. To me, that's just a really sad excuse.

@bayXSonic: My guess is that the delay is caused by Gizmo5 issues. Google probably couldn't release an integrated, non-free version of Gizmo5 in (early/mid) 2011, and so they just extended the free period. Just remember how long it took GrandCentral to get released as a public Google voice.

@this-is-me: +1, the kitchen isn't terribly secure. Keep in mind that burglars may just grab stuff off the shelves and throw them on the floor, looking for valuables. The refrigerator isn't safe, and the cabinets/drawers aren't safe.

VOTE: virtualbox

@Commander Waffles: It's apparently from leaked slides. Quite a few places are reporting it: techcrunch, daring fireball, gigaom, gizmodo, and others. Just do a google search for "del.icio.us shutting down".

I just shovel my bookmarks into evernote, by "bookmarking" an entire page as an evernote entry. With this, I don't really have to use any tags, as the web page text becomes the fully-searchable "tags". Here's an old blog post that explains this in more detail.

@belorion: Google lets you export as KML.

@operator207: I'll second Whereoscope. It's very useful for seeing where everyone in your family is. Unlike latitude: