@Bobly: Minor tweak to your commands, for better safety:
@Bobly: Minor tweak to your commands, for better safety:
@CoHPhasor: Yup, they could even have piled up this strange substance called "dirt" into a mound around the pillar stones and buried them, until the tops of the pillars were at the new ground level. Roll the top stones to the top of the mound, and remove the dirt.
@diw321: Unfortunately, as helpful as this LH tip is, the sad fact is that there doesn't appear to be many cc companies that offer this. The only ones that I know about are BofA, Citi, and Discover. AmEx used to have this, but it got canceled.
@Leonick: +1
@mickmel: Dropbox is certainly a great place for drivers/downloads (I do that, too!), but it doesn't help with the problem of, "What's the name of that 2-year-old driver"? Finding the right driver in my ginormous download directory can be a real pain, after a while, and I've just started dumping the smaller drivers…
Well, yes. That's what evernote is for.
@Frances Vevers: lol, I weep for the future.
@rg07: Weird. There's really no reason for not supporting the iPod or iPad. Skype supports them, after all.
@OrtensiaAgricola: I can verify this. Searching for "google voice", I had to scroll through a couple of pages of unrelated crud before I found it. Why is it buried?
It would be really nice if they would integrate the VOIP call-out feature (like they do for google chat in the gmail web interface).
meh, there are no notifications via the command-line
@jktechwriter: If you have to ask, it's probably not for you.
Google Mobile Sync is only minimally-useful on the iPhone, because google doesn't support multiple contact groups on the iPhone. It's really only useful for those people with few contacts or who don't mind having all of their contacts shoveled together into one ginormous pile.
@Mike Cerm: +1, agreed. Out-of-the-box, chrome is already better than FF. Even if you assume that the performance is "comparable" (not the "same", but "close enough"), chrome wins because of the multi-process tab features. With FF, a "bad" extension or somesuch can eat and eat and eat memory until you're forced to…
@BPhillips21: Google would then have to replicate the bookmarks and new/switch window icon functionality. (I'm not saying that this is a problem — just something that they'd have to do.)
@StephenBradley: Yes. However, while iTunes works well for me, I hate having to be near the computer and plug in the phone. I'm much happier with various cloud syncing apps and buying/installing apps via wifi. I bypass iTunes more for convenience than because of any imaginary iTunes problems.
@Toastie: +1, not to mention that tire pressures are usually much lower than what bike tires need.
@MaxPower239: That doesn't work well. For most (many?) things on FB, the moment you click on something, the page will revert back to http. You need something like firefox's https everwhere extension. However, I don't know if all FB pages now support https (it didn't the last time I checked many months ago).
@grok666: Uh, they do make these wasp bug sprays that shoot 10-15+ feet. They work really well for a quick squirt-and-run. :-)