@Jalean11: +1, Many chefs won't use nonstick pans because they do break down at high temperatures. Also, you get much better development of fond with stainless and cast iron, which is great for flavor.
@Jalean11: +1, Many chefs won't use nonstick pans because they do break down at high temperatures. Also, you get much better development of fond with stainless and cast iron, which is great for flavor.
@Wit is periodically disensouled: Actually, your father is wise. :-)
@tuxus: Also, depending upon your plumbing, a big crescent wrench can be useful — one that can open up, oh, 1.5" or larger. Recently, I had to fix a couple of faucets that were leaking due to cheap plastic valves (valves were binding and wouldn't always close easily). Taking apart the faucets was incredibly easy, but…
@Skreenname: +999
@timgray: +999
@diamondsw: Well, I wouldn't call them "amateurs", but it is pretty sad that they didn't fix the errors.
Pass. I'm happy with BatteryBar.
People still check email (as opposed to being notified)? Sigh, even though this is the 2010s, many people are still stuck using 1980s technology. Even though you may not be using better technologies like IMAP or MS exchange, you can often find various utilities or browser add-ons to check email.
@Ping: +999
@liftedngifted1: Uh, no. You don't seem to have heard of the lady in Los Angeles that spent $20,000 on her doghouse: [izismile.com]
@icamp: Yes, this just looks like it was left in someone's backyard for a few months.
@Whitson Gordon: According to the blog ( [www.seankovacs.com] ), it appears that the early purchasers are being screwed, as the app appears to be going free for a short time on the 25th (?). As I just bought it, I'm not exactly a happy camper.
@Bassem B.: While filezilla is a great ftp program, cyberduck goes beyond ftp. As far as I can tell, filezilla does not support webdav, filezilla does not support Amazon S3/rackspace, filezilla does not support google storage, and it does not support google docs. From the feature list alone, a windows cyberduck…
Meh. They really need a way of populating a collection from an existing set of installed addons.
VOTE: Outliner
@Akio Morita: While Apple does have DRM, Apple's DRM is generally pretty relaxed and lenient. The only real issue is the current "videos-rented-on-the-iphone-can-only-be-played-on-the-iphone-and-not-transferred" one.
A winner that costs $400 (for digital camera OCR)??? Seriously???
@nand21d: Hotmail seems ok for basic users, but there's no IMAP (needed for Thunderbird), and the filtering rules are rather lacking. With gmail, I can tag a message as "Project A" and "urgent". I can't do that with hotmail.
People who share their location publicly are crazy, for all the reasons listed here by others.
@aceofcakes: Well, WD might be a bit strong. I think "redneck hipster" might be a better term. :)