@Kaelri: I hope I'm wrong, but that's probably unlikely. Google's senior management is rumored to want only browser-only solutions, which is supposedly why google's gizmo5 desktop client was killed (reference: [techcrunch.com] ).
@Kaelri: I hope I'm wrong, but that's probably unlikely. Google's senior management is rumored to want only browser-only solutions, which is supposedly why google's gizmo5 desktop client was killed (reference: [techcrunch.com] ).
The "charging for calls in the future" is possibly disturbing. While I use GV, I don't use it enough to justify paying a monthly subscription cost. On the other hand, going per-minute only is likely to lose other customers. I really hope that google offers two different plans, but I don't see that happening.
It sounds like google calls your number, and connects you to whomever you want to call. Ick. (Yes, just like GV.)
To the people concerned about privacy: from what I understand, the username/password is only used at your browser end. Supposedly, neither your username/password nor your email messages are sent to the CM folks.
@lewisboy: With the exception of messages with large attachments, there isn't a real practical difference (between push — between the apps, yes, there is a difference). 2/10
@talkingstove: I think the actual reason for the linux support is the fact that most google employees are being forced onto linux. So, they either port their software, or they don't get access to their own tools. Hopefully, all of their software will eventually end up being ported.
@Rob Sheppard: +999
I don't understand why foursquare and gowalla are so eager to partner up with FB, as this has the potential to kill both of them. Yes, FB will be greatly helped by the place databases of both 4sq and gw, but what do they get in return? Becoming irrelevant?
Fonts? Text sizes? That's not exactly a text file. What file format is used? Can other editors even read these files on the PC/Mac/linux side?
Still waiting for proper syncing of contact groups with the iPhone. Having one big ginormous pile doesn't cut it.
@jupigare: I have cable, but I've only been to a theater maybe once or twice in the past couple of years. Most of our watching is done via Tivo, online netflix, or other online (e.g., clicker.com). If hulu wants to even begin to look attractive to me, they'll have to go 100% commercial free. And, even then, a lot…
No, thanks. There's already more content out there than I have time to watch (NOT on hulu), and I don't need another pay-service, especially one with commercials (I'll only pay for something with zero commercials).
@crichton007: Yes. Technically, wave was impressive. However, it was slow, and all of the examples were basically enhancements of existing functionality (email, IM, forums, etc.). While the "future" might possibly be built from wave, google just seemed to throw it out there and hoped that someone else could come…
Seriously, we need a "dislike" button.
@Michael Li: Compared to virtualbox, virtual pc is a dog. Disk accesses feel slower, and even something as simple as resizing the window is slow; with virtualbox, it's fast but, on vpc, you get to wait ... wait .. wait ...
@brewtus: Awesomenote may be OK for plain notetaking, but it appears to be horribly broken when it comes to evernote sync (a good notetaking tool needs some kind of cloud sync): first-time sync works fine, but subsequent syncs appears to transfer notes to evernote and then DELETE THEM from awesomenote. At first, I…
@JackHoliday: Werd. :)
@FriedPeeps: This.
@kb: Free typically beats non-free. Of the people who would use a product like this, there are probably a lot more evernote users than onenote ones.
@Jasked: A year or two back, there where some LH articles on websites for college students (notetaking, collaboration, scheduling, etc., etc.). I wonder how many of those sites are still around?