
@LuckyChuck: An exception to #1 is what @copperisblue said above: a PC laptop w/wacom digitizing screen and onenote can be very useful, especially for diagrams and equations. As much as I like evernote, onenote is much more useful for class notes. However, these laptops tend to be expensive, and finding one that

@Condalmo: Also, if you want to search for these dropbox apps, it's easiest to use a third-party app site like appshopper.com to do the search. The iTunes search is just awful.

@Prairie Moon: Well, if you stick with basic text (no formatting), there are windows programs (like notepad++) that can handle all of the major text types (e.g., dos/windows, mac, unix, and even UTF8). I'm sure that similar programs exist for OS X. You just have to be careful and stick with the text type(s)

@Condalmo: @Andre Kibbe: @Joseph Zitt: For plain text on the iPhone/iPad (and only plain text), there is "Droptext" (universal app, currently $0.99). The reviews say that it's currently a tag buggy, though. There are a number of other iPhone/iPad apps that handle MS Office docs and dropbox, but those are pretty

Seriously, why do all this when dropbox is available? You can use whatever text editor you want, and dropbox will automatically sync the text files across all of your systems. (And, yes, there are even apps to edit text files on your iPhone/iPad and sync back to dropbox.)

@Lynn G: Geeky cool, but PasswordCard is still somewhat questionable from a security standpoint (not all passwords have lockouts after N unsuccessful attempts).

Zoho really needs exchange support in order to be a real alternative to google's offerings. Granted, Zoho's offerings tend to have more features, but exchange support can be a deal-breaker for some. IIRC, Zoho has been saying something like, "soon", for over a year.

Well, I suppose it's better for some things.

@jodaboda: Well, it's really a matter of personal taste, but I think vertical tabs suck even more than horizontal ones, due to the massive wasted space. Yes, with most modern displays, horizontal tabs do take up precious real estate; however, with full-screen mode, you can hide the toolbars, which solves all of the

Also, remember that the DD-WRT, OpenWrt, Tomato, and similar router firmware has a site survey option. It's very nice.

Constantly power-cycling electronics tends to shorten the overall life. However, the big question here is whether or not the life is noticeably shortened for the modems and/or routers.

@gerrrg: As far as netflix goes: the content providers will simply restrict what netflix can stream. :-(

@Michael McElrath: Yup. Even better would be to auto-tag these messages with something like "coupons" or "savings" so that you can easily limit your searches to these. Also, by tagging, you don't need another useless email account; just view the messages with the tag.

@diannevan: Ditto. I wanted to like RTM, but it was just too hard to use: too many clicks, button presses, and taps just to do the simple things.

@kingcrim84: And there's no way to tell which mailbox a message is in. No, looking at the "To:" line isn't reliable because newsletters and the like may not have a usable "To:" line, and forwarded email may appear to belong to a different account.

@BirkBum: While this is, as you say, just a backup mechanism, the word "sync", for many people, often implies an editing ability. With calendar sync, you can edit calendars. With contact sync, you can edit contacts. With the current notes sync, not so much (and, yes, I'm fully aware of the technical reasons for

This works if you only have one big pile of contacts. If you organize your contacts into groups, google contacts is unusable for those with iPhones (and other phones??), because google doesn't support contact group syncing.