"This law wll keep lazy blacks who want gamestop to give them everything, from trading games" - Don Yelton
"This law wll keep lazy blacks who want gamestop to give them everything, from trading games" - Don Yelton
Which in itself, is worth the price alone.
This is so sexy, it's gonna make me chum.
There is no room for REASON on the internet!
I feel bad. A live show will be terrible for the writer's time of not writing jokes for the last 17 years
I've always wondered how artists like that do it, such as Greg Puciatio or Patton. I don't know how much of it is studio/live effect magic during shows, but I imagine there has been strict warm-up regimens and appropriate drinks after a show or something to help reduce the damage
Honestly you haven't missed much. Maybe check out Nothing's "Guilty of Everything" which is a really good shoegaze album that came out in March.
One week by BNLs
Great superhero… Or greatest superhero?
Well actually, St. Vincent's probably the only artist more overrated than Jack White on this list, so yeah - I'm cool with that.
Either Nothing's "Dig," or The Horror's "So Now You Know." Pretty much everything on this list was laughable - seriously even considering that dumb lego movie song? (And I loved the movie too.)
I would be impressed by someone who handed me one, but only if it was a slammer.
Edge of tomorrow was a surprisingly good input for a summer blockbuster, and a late career Tom Cruise movie. Not something i'm going to see again in a long time, but It was money well spent to see.
The song is annoying. That's the point.
It's a children's movie that actually benefits from a few rewatches too, so use this as an excuse!
Ha! Often I tend to dislike when movies will break the style and atomosphere for a brief and sudden unexpected change for humor, and Wes Anderson has a tendency to do it more often than I like in previous movies, but it seemed woven in perfectly this time around, and I really loved that whole scene. Overall, the…
Grand Budapest Hotel for sure. It's as Wes Anderson as a movie can get, and I thought that about Moonrise Kingdom. It's like an adult story-book, and it gets all the cinematic parts right to make it an amazing ride
I'd complain about this not being funny, but this is modern day simpsons, so it actually fits the bill quite nicely.
I missed seeing Braid last night actually at a festival in Lansing because of car troubles and poorly managed parking systems. I hadn't heard of them either until then though
God is a spam bot. It all makes sense now.