I just wanna make fun of the Bible, dammit!
I just wanna make fun of the Bible, dammit!
I'm saying that it is unpopular in the sense that nobody in a major network is going to want to support it because of the inability to commercialize it to the same extent that can be done with other major american sports. And thus by assocation, it is unpopular among viewers because there is no easy outlet for it,…
2000 minutes long? I thought SunnO))) were from Seattle?
Huh. What the hell is this show?
I prefer to think of it as a moment of self-clarity
he's a mess, but its not like any of the franchises that he's ruined had anything going for them
That's fine. I didn't REALLY want it anyways. *Humph!&*
that wouldn't bother me as long as I could watch them game on a major network
yeah but at least the kitten was cute?
I liked episode 1
I mean maybe, but what if WE are part of the problem, rather than the solution?
Why can't more biopics be like Jobs, starring Ashton Kutcher? : Terrible, and I never hear about them again
stoppage time! that's why the clock doesn't stop!
Of course there are inconsitencies. What do you expect from a novel that got passed off onto 40+ different authors?
"So it was only a matter of time until someone on the Internet put the two together." - Do you ever wonder whether or not this something that is actually a given on the internet as a result of human nature, or that it happens just because sites like AVC just perpetuate people to do these things for attention?
It can't be stock photos: they aren't doing strangely specific and often slightly sexual things while in business clothes
which is probably why it has remained "unpopular" in the United States
The defense is going to have to do a better job defending if they want to defend the goal
Maybe not in Sports, but I still have no idea what Shia-Lebeouf's last name is