Aye. Gotcha.
Aye. Gotcha.
Drink what you want but Gatorade isn't exactly healthy either.
Yep! The receipt message is unclear.
I came here to say the same. I don't want to parse her words bc I doubt she sat down, wrote, rewrote and edited prior to determining she had a final version that perfectly captured her tone and mood but...
The age-old (my GOD it's soooooooooo old) argument that faking orgasms is bad for you, your partner and any other future partners is sort of hogwash.
Me, too! I typically don't laugh out loud at quotes from Midweek Madness Mags but I totally LOLed for realZ at this one.
Yeah. Twinkies didn't fail as a treat and it's not "magic" that they're back.
Right? Each time I see the "he called Clinton" thing I think, "Great. What about the restaurant staff? Where's that apology?"
Something being hard doesn't automatically make it a job.
Three apples high those Smurfs are not.
I have wrapped and tossed when I was told to. Like at a family's lake house where the pipes are very old and at a house I rented that was septic. And of course when I lived overseas in "3rd World" conditions.
Oh, boy. This again?
Fair enough! And you're right - it's not cool to wish him harm.
Yeah, but I've known far more people who never acted like that. It's far more difficult to "clean up your act" so to speak than to never be a douche in the first place and most people really don't ever stop acting like that in one way or another. He's well old enough to know better.
God bless Deadspin. One cannot try and point something out - when it comes to (hahaha!) women - without 97% of the comments doing the exact thing they are decrying. Can't you fellas just move along when you know you're being egged on?
I was hoping for a closer match but I have a soft spot for Bartoli and her wacky, wonderful game. Good for her!
I don't think the "what kind of person..." thing is fair honestly. If he had a girlfriend, was another straight woman or one of them was openly gay we wouldn't be asking that. People can be generous and frankly if your friend is inviting you on an awesome vacation you should feel free to say yes and not have to…
You're not. I was going to say the same. He's still enormously attractive but let's stop pretending he hasn't aged.