
At a grocery store

Ok, I never seen this post before but this happened today...

I’m sorry you have depression, that sucks and I’m glad you have something that works for you. Thank you for also acknowledging the culture appropriation.

I mean it’s just pretty much stretching and learning to control your breath, which is healthy and stuff but I can’t with the whole namaste/chakras appropriated bs. Like here is a practice that people from a developing country use to cope with having nothing and/or express their faith to a religon or a life of

As an Indian person, I cringe at the sight of rich white girls doing yoga. It’s gut wrenching to me. Maybe I’m just a hater tho lol

I used this exact same arguement the other day! Also, standing is optional because a person with a penis can still pee sitting so it might as well just be down all the time. : )

I’ve always felt this way. I don’t understand why people say shes for body positivity because she’s very obviously not, and I don’t even think getting plastic surgery even goes against the whole idea but I think she takes it to a whole other level. Yeah I get its “her choice” but if I learned anything in my gender

I came across this a couple of years age, Idk if its true but i found the part about animal heirarchy being something made up to justify eugenics really interesting

Why are people reacting to this so much? Hasn’t she been naked in pictures like 500 times before? I mean the convo that came out of it is very sex positive and stuff which is great but why is it so “scandalous?”

Yeah but I think because he is a comedian and NOT an activist or anything close to that , he has to (well ok, maybe not HAS TO but more inclined to) to speak from personal observation and experience. Otherwise, it is a bit inauthentic in a way. Like for example, when you see white liberal people from lets say Idk you reside near Central Park? because....

So my two of my sibs are over a decade older than me, it was like an extra set of parents so I I heard a lot of “don’t do that, be careful, you’ll get hurt” as well as constant repercussions for any type of confrontation. I also think I coddled (which is usually is done because tired parents/teen sibs find easier then

That’s really interesting, I never thought about that before. I guess when you are serious about being with someone you’d want to face issues head-on so you have some idea what the future holds.

A road trip sounds AMAZING but I can’t see myself doing it anytime soon. I feel like you have to have a least one accident and idk if I can go through that if it’s a bad one. I think that’s probably stops me from skating too, I bet you have some stories about falling off your skateboard

I do live in NYC! Ha! That’s extremely very nice of you to offer but I think the same reasons I haven’t gone rollerskating in the first place may be the same reasons why I wouldn’t go with a fellow anonymous commenter.

I have a pretty similar scenario myself, I’m the youngest of 4 and taught to be afraid of everything (25 yrs old and still no driver’s license) i avoid confrontation and there are a bunch of things I want to do but i feel i can’t because of how ingrained it is in my head. For example, I bought these rollerblades and

That does makes sense. Though what if your describing Caitlyn Jenner’s past pre-transtion(ing?) Do we say Caitlyn is was an olympic medal winner or do we say Bruce? I’m asking cause i saw the movie Danish girl recently and the character referred to her pre-transition self as if he were another person, so she still

Ok, I just want to say that I found this in the donated book pile at the preschool I worked at and I loved it! It came out in the 90s I think, and its supposed to be a little provocative. I was actually looking to buy it this semester for my human rights project but turns out it is out of print and relatively

She didn’t make it. I worked in NYC preschools/daycares and I nanny. I never did it but I had co-workers that would fake art projects all the time lol some did it because they were short on supplies/crunched for time others because they were just flat-out lazy (sorry to say)

Omg I feel the same way. I have this need to take care of people and I always wonder if that’s the case because it was expected from me from a young age. I feel so conflicted career wise because I’m told repeatedly that I would make a excellent elementary teacher or nurse or some other caretaker type job. Part of me