The United States is a country of roughly 330 million people. Saying “Americans suck” is basically the equivalent of saying Europeans suck. It doesn’t serve a purpose other than to sound edgy.
The United States is a country of roughly 330 million people. Saying “Americans suck” is basically the equivalent of saying Europeans suck. It doesn’t serve a purpose other than to sound edgy.
This is a really relevant story.
Reason # 2348203948 why I love Gary, Keith, and Ron is that, unlike many other crews, they don’t bend over backwards to defend bullshit calls that help their own team.
This seems like a far more fun fantasy league than the lame ones where you just pick players and get points because they do well at baseball stuff. Just imagine the thrill you’d feel down 10 points entering Sunday, but knowing you have Joe West behind home plate in a nationally televised game!
Not everyone is disgusting and your generalization of the people in this country shows a lack of knowledge about the people of this country and more of an ignorant bias, but hey we are all entitled to our opinions, no matter how childish and ignorant they sound. What country are you from that you feel so superior?
Rendon’s been asking for it throughout his entire MLB career by intentionally being a quiet, genial player who typically exchanges pleasantries with 3B and home plate umpires and catchers and base runners who reach third while generally playing gold glove-level defense and occasionally bumping up against MVP numbers…
Now that the Red Sox and both Chicago teams have won Series’ recently we really need a fun name for Cleveland’s struggles that’ll bring back some of that fun Billy Goat-Bambino stuff that Baseball’s so good at.
No one can fuck up their career as bad as I have’
-Jon Jones
‘Hold my cocaine’
-Conor McGregor
How many months in jail do you get for breaking kayfabe?, right? UFC orchestrates/suggests the whole thing to drum up badly needed publicity when in NYC and going up against Wrestlemania weekend, but McGregor & crew get carried away and get people legit hurt. Makes the most sense to me.
Stupid stunt gone very wrong, or just plain stupid?
“While Hall and Seguin haven’t turned into the all-time greats they were projected to become in the NHL, they’re both really fucking good!”
As a Devils fan I disagree with this article and think Shero needs to have Chiarelli on speed dial.
“I’m an adult, and I’m listening, and I’m sorry it took this long.”
Pussy starts talking tough now that James Harrison is out of town.
Come on. This shit is a flagrant 1 at its worst.
No. They were biased toward his being a total fucking dickness.
So were they biased towards his grit or his scrappiness?
Sweeney: how do you pronounce it?