I’m a left winger my entire life
I’m a left winger my entire life
Did you even read this article or what she said? She wants a more diverse and inclusive pool of critics and to you that’s a “ Regressive Leftist attitude” in caps for some reason?
(I like Puck from Alpha Flight)
What, you don’t think Spider-Man is going to wonder why Mace Windu is giving him orders in Spider-Man: Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey?
Fans: Bring the X-Men into the MCU
Bills fans this morning are destroying property, calling Brown racial slurs and drunkenly getting into fistfights so, you know, you can just imagine how they’ll react when they hear about this.
No jokes here, they should have thrown that fucking little shit and his dad out of the stadium and barred them from re-entry. What an entitled little mutant. Fuck that kid.
His return did have a “this deserves to be at Wrestlemania” feel. Or the Raw right before WM. Or the one right after WM. Basically, SOMETHING to do with Wrestlemania.
Only cancer could get him over.
This team really is committed to illegally getting stuff released from their balls.
This really sucks for Sox fans.
Yeah, I think he meant to say - “We don’t have to spend any more money because we can milk one World Series win for decades to a fanbase that thought being lovable losers was a good thing.”
Because you are making a tremendously dumb argument.
So if I speak out against bigotry then I'm a social justice warrior? Maybe I'm just not an asshole.
I grew up in Vermont, I now live a 30 minute drive from Raleigh. I’ve been to Canadians games, Rangers games, Bruins games, and a few Sharks games. All world class environments for hockey (even San Jose, honest!).
In my experience, present company excluded, most of the people I know who actually live in the city of Chicago are Sox fans. Cubs fans are usually white suburbanites living in the conservative exurbs, and their kids who live in Lincoln Park for 5 years after college before moving back to their exurb. So yeah, they…
Good for Washington Tom Osborne’s not still at Nebraska. He’d be looking at 30 extra wind sprints and sitting out two series against Northern Illinois.
Hey, a future Brown!