
Are there some kind of legal shenanigans with shell companies going on that corporations can drill these wells, extract all of the $$, and then walk away leaving the cost of clean-up to the taxpayers? Sounds like any company wanting to drill should first be required to obtain a contract bond to ensure they don’t walk

It’s so strange to me, as a teen and comic book reader in the 90's (pretty much the timeframe all these MCU films come from), so many of the stories were female focused (Jean Grey, Psylocke, Rogue, I can go on...), and these dudes lapped them up and mentally and physically jerked off to them.

We Can’t Even Pretend Drinking Is Good Healthy for Us Anymore

It is my guess (and I could certainly be wrong,) that the Obamas probably don’t appreciate getting dragged into penny ante Twitter drama that has nothing to do with them, and probably aren’t interested in being manipulated by a 20-year-old into helping to pants their very good friends, the Bidens (who are clearly more

I just don’t see the Obamas jumping into the middle of this, so i guess its either the White House or no presidential recognition.  Well i dunno maybe Clinton & Gore are up for having a party

Anyone honestly believe the Obamas are going to allow this child to undercut the Bidens when the election coming up? Puh-leaze.

“I can’t stop thinking about how, out of a bench of 17 players, these were the best responses the team could come up with.”

It has always been the worst, imo. And I’ve been using it for a long, long time now. They also have some of the worst ui choices. Why won’t you just show me the last thing I was watching, why do I HAVE to add it to my queue before you’ll remember it? And why do I have to click multiple times to remove stuff?

I was already sold on this because of Brie, but then I saw this:

Comparing human women to the cattle that we use and abuse for to exploit their biological reproductive functions for our own gain is probably the most honest thing a Republican has said about abortion in decades.

this is why you make spice mix and/or put it/them in a small bowl before handeling raw meat. you can then just throw them in the sink when done, so the regular spice containers aren’t touched in prep.

I have very little faith that the party > country voters will give a shit, or even remember, come next election time.

Extra relevant since this was originally tweeted on 1/6/21

If a child says “Eat my pussy right now” in an audition, you definitely should not cast that child and should tell their parent they were behaving inappropriately. Of course, we don’t know what she actually did in the audition, and perhaps the director really was being unreasonable, but I think any reasonable person

In a perfect world, the only people who would find each other together under mistletoe would be people who actually want to kiss.

Christmas means more economic hardship for us single American mothers. Once again I must pay for cartridges for my unaborted daughter’s video gaming system. Every time this happens I relive the horror of being bullied into giving birth to her.

The U.S. government has a moral obligation to pay for the cartridges, and

My mom is in her 80s, and she told me “what’s in this drink?” was supposed to be plausible deniability for when a woman got drunk. She wasn’t supposed to do it on purpose because it was unladylike.

why would you read an article discussing the next season of the show when you haven’t finished this one lol

Maybe they used to. But realistically, who is signing up to watch Westworld now, knowing it will never be truly completed? People who have already seen it may rewatch it, especially S1 which is great. But new viewers? I doubt there are many signing up for disappointment they know is coming.