
She could have had it all. Unlimited Disney dollars, her own spin off show, merchandise, long lines at Cons, bigger and bigger roles. Instead she threw it away for a handful of shitty right wing movies nobody saw and a few pitiful Cons

I have never heard anyone refer to bananas Foster and beignets as “soul food.”

The punitive damages aren’t on her or her lawyers for asking for too much. They simply asked the question “How much will it take to make Trump stop?” ... the jury decided THAT number was $65 million.

You don’t think her legal team did their due diligence at calculating the financial implications of Trump’s smear campaign about her? And it was backed up with enough evidence to hold up in court, dissected by Trump’s team? Why even question this, which was the point of the whole case? They had to quantify financial

I'm sure your detailed descriptions of the music you like are super duper interesting 

What, no “Female, Abortionist Whore”? Oh, wait, that’s the Working Woman.

He cannot. Dicks are generally not vegan.

Get Bradley Cooper and his fake schnoz out of there and nominate Nicolas Cage for Dream Scenario, you cowards.

You turds are why the Democratic party is a joke and will never regain power. Laws are not created by the executive branch, Congress is the branch that passes/enacts laws. Yell at congress, not Biden for abortion laws. Biden could be the reincarnation of George Washington with the dick of Abraham Lincoln and he still

This. It’s Dolly fucking Parton. Show up, know the lyrics, and give Parton the respect and honour she deserves.

I wanna go antiquing in Santa Fe with Robert Downey Jr. 

You mean people who see a black and blue dress can’t color-correct an underexposed image in their mind.

I am a liberal living in Alabama. In some counties, Democrats don’t even bother running in local elections because it’s so gerrymandered and the voters so ignorant that they can’t win. This state is full of fundamentalists and the Alabama Democratic Party is a joke.

Ferris Bueller my fuckin’ ass. (#LeeElia) And over The Fugitive? No.

What, no Blues Brothers? A severe omission.


In what universe is Bueller a better movie than Blues Brothers?  My lord.  Bueller fully enjoys all that Chicago has to offer but BB IS Chicago.

this movie would firmly establish that ghosts were real in the world of Indiana Jones

No love for Jake and Elwood? Or Ben & “They’re Coming To Get You” Barbara?