
Of course, others have pointed out that Franken would have been a massive liability during confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh—also very publicly accused of sexual assault—which took place within months of Franken’s resignation.

So he hit Chris Rock because he’d lose his career if he smacked Jada and August Alsina would likely whoop his ass? Your wife outed you as a cuck in front of the internet, you’re mad, we get it. But getting into slap fights with comedians on TV ain’t gonna fix the problem. What a fucking joke. Go to therapy. Real

I’m shocked mostly at the low key acceptance of what was literally physical assault on live television. What if he had walked up and smacked Amy or Wanda or Regina in the face like that? Would the Jezebel crowd still be so nonchalant about it? Would it still be considered acceptable?

“ableist”? Maybe I’m misunderstanding the term, but is ableist the right description of the joke? Is it because he’s able to grow hair and she isn’t? I don’t know that the word is fitting here given how it is generally used in connection with those with mental or physical disabilities. I’m not sure alopecia counts as

This guy doesn’t buy heroin. He buys poppies and makes it himself at home. It’s cheaper and he’s learning a life skill 

“Sure the dollar is great but have you tried THE PESO!!”

At least on the Larry David ad I buy that Larry wouldn’t buy that shit

The reason you can be sure that cryptos aren’t money is that you’ve never seen an advertisement for money.

I found ten errors in this article:

All I need to know is, were LeBron and Larry paid in crypto or USD?


I also don’t know why he’s pretending like “pale” isn’t his number one criteria for who is attractive.

I don’t remember who said it, but someone said of female politicians, “If a woman is smarter than him or he doesn’t want to f—k her, they won’t vote for her.”

Conservatives: Fashion is stupid, feminine, and ridiculous. Real men don’t worry about fashion.

I once heard about a nutrition teacher that would pose a problem to the class: You’re going on a 30 day mission where you’ll have to pick a single frozen food item to bring for the entire mission. What do you bring?

I’m amazed that in a blog written by foodies about brunch, there is not a single mention of “the one you make yourself”.

Because it’s piss easy, it’s soooooooo much better than going out, waiting in line, being with other people in a crowded place...

Going to a crowded restaurant mid morning during the weekend is a

Can we please stop asking celebrities to have opinions beyond their latest role? They’re as dumb and uneducated as the general public, just prettier, but you don’t see cameras asking every average Becky on the street what she thinks of vaccine mandates - for good reason.

Dude, it’s not your opinion that’s under fire. You lied about your vax status and then hung out with people. What about those people’s right to choose to hang out only with vaccinated people? You shit all over them.

Poor Ben Gardner in Jaws.

I actually hope Olivia and John made it work, and then add a third named Newton.