
My thought exactly. And to allow people like this to treat it like it’s a trip to the grocery store you know you need to make, but you’ll wait until later this afternoon after you’re done with your chores. No, motherfuckers. You raid his house and THEN release a fucking statement. If he hadn’t killed himself he would

I don’t usually give in to this sort of thing but, what the hey:

Having a president that understands that they aren’t a god king emperor is exactly what this country needs.

“I haven’t always been right. I know we haven’t always gotten things right, but I’ve always tried.”

To start, in modern America, a state with roughly 500,000 people should not have the same representation as a state with roughly 40,000,000. Think about the amount of influence that the average WY voter has over the Senate compared to that of the average CA voter. The Senate has always been used to protect the

The actual house or the decor? If the decor isn’t your thing, I get it. But I think the actual house is lovely. I’m not totally against her decor, though it’s not really my style either.

Joan, honey, I don’t know what you were looking at, but that house was gorgeous. The way you described it was nothing like what it looked like. I mean, sex curtains? Where?? From your description I was half expecting a sex swing to prominently feature in one of the bedrooms. Sure it has a ton of zebra print rugs, but

I don’t think an estate can be “prolific”, 

But his misleading rhetoric is impactful for his constituents and supporters who may not know any better, which was likely the point.

Ted Cruz has a top-rate education, a big platform, and could have chosen to do a lot of good in this world to leave it better for his children and future generations. This motherfucker took all these resources and chose to do evil.

Hmm, someone who actually deserves a medal. How refreshing. 

Oh, why stop now?

“I don’t see an American flag anymore...”

Yeah, just GTFO, no one wants you and your idiot kids around one second longer than necessary.

No 2:00 am tirades.
No teeth-bearing impressions from Colbert.
No baby-blimps flying over world capitals.
No threats of annihilation aimed at other heads-of-state.
No pushing through crowds to ensure centre stage.
No cofeve.
No pictures of adult children, grinning over dead endangered animals.
No family-owned sweat shops.

The trumps are doing one thing I agree with: get out of town before the sun comes up. Just fuck off. The next time their names are called will be either cursing the messes that have to be cleaned up, or a process server delivering a subpoena.

I’m sure the current plan is to have Daddy do all her campaigning for her (so he can have MEEEEEE rallies) but he’s going to be in jail or dead by then, and I really don’t think she could handle doing everything a campaign demands.

If anybody was wondering where on earth such a nice boy got such misguided notions--well, look who took her UNDERAGE MURDERER KID to a bar.

There are just so many disturbing parts to the interview that it’s difficult to comprehend. The entire thing screams that she thinks this is anyone’s fault but her own. The language she uses to redirect the blame is just astonishing.

Girl has one of THE most punchable faces of the new year.