
People get too invested in things outside of their real life. I often ponder, if everyone took up a hobby, like needlepoint for example, do you think they would stop getting so viscerally invested in things like "who's cuter" of the True Blood leads? It's so weird.

First they shall do NO fucking harm! Jesus Christ almighty, come collect your assholes!

Sometimes I thin ugh, men.

This is NOT okay. Joe Schreibvogel is also known as Joe Exotic. He owns over 150 tigers and is currently under investigation by the USDA for 23 dead tiger cubs found on his property. He uses tiger cubs in cub-petting operations around the country and when they are too old for that he either dumps them or sells them

Why do New Yorkers seem to think that the only way to make their pizza good is to trash other pizzas? Oh, it's because New York pizza is a floppy abomination of grease and crap that is less edible than the cardboard box it comes in.

Thin-crust, New York-style pizza is just cardboard with burnt cheese and grease ladled on top.

Literally, FUCK ALL THE THINGS except this kid.

not to brag but i was maid of honor in her actual wedding

marry me, meagan hatcher-mays. please and thank you.

pretty sure the rapist not get enticed(mostly), and will have harder time doing their job

I'm curious - if these teenage girls had drugged these teenage boys, dragged them into a back room, and sodomized them - would we be trying to cut them some slack? Would we be saying, "Well, it's terrible what they did, but I mean, what were those boys expecting? Girls will be girls."

I'm 36, and not really minding that the boomers and millennials seem to be duking it out amongst themselves. We gen-xers will just be over here. All 10 of us.

Willfully sheltering child rapists may not be "pro" child rape, but it's certainly not "anti" child rape.

Those white girls who are pissed should probably quit rather than comment anonymously.

I'm pretty sure that the default act of sex ends with ejaculation into the vagina, which is how pregnancy occurs. If they are pulling out, they are TRYING to stop the pregnancy from happening.

Just because you don't find it offensive doesn't mean it isn't worthy of offense. Your POV isn't the end all be all of reality. Sometimes your view is wrong, even if you've held that view your entire life.

You would not believe how many pictures of Pi pies are on the internet. Here's one for you!

Guy, if it comes out your dickhole and it's gold, it's not semen...