
I'm replying to you instead of the OP and MissAnthrope because I A. don't want to give either of them the satisfaction of responding directly and B. you've managed to state the whole point of how beauty preferences are, at the very least, partially manufactured by society and are not static nor have they always been

I think it's two things: it's a 'put those bitches in their place' excercise, and he just has no capacity to think of womens bodies as having a use other than being a sex object. A female body that doesn't create boners 24/7 is malfunctioning and flawed and any woman who is not deeply shamed of her frankly useless

So just to recap and correct me if I'm wrong, your basic point is it's ok for women to be happy with our bodies and even show them off, but we just have to remember that we repulse men if we don't fit a very narrow beauty standard.

So? Why would you even come here and say that, what purpose does that serve if you don't

I went to the post. I'm LOVING the comments:

You mean that she was so beautiful and sexy, he just couldn't help himself?

Those would be the ass-men.

So many of my mom friends have reposted this on FB in the past couple days. I hadn't clicked through to read it and I'm kind of glad because I was drinking last night and I might not have been able to control my snark reflex.

I don't even wear pajamas...

I'm going to guess that one of the Hall boys ends up as a Steve Newlin and the other ends up as a Jason Stackhouse.

"But, officer, that man MADE me mug him. I mean, did you see what expensive clothing he was wearing? And the bulge of his wallet was clearly visible in his pocket. If he didn't want to get mugged he shouldn't have been shamelessly flaunting the fact that he has money like that! He was asking for it!!! Plus, before I

Other than the Chihuahua (does anyone else think "Chi-hoo-ah-hoo-ah" when typing that word?) and wedding ring, that is exactly my list of shit that would be stuck down there. You also forgot:

That baby shoved in the little slot is freaking hysterical. You could just stick babies in there like you do your rings in the slots in a jewelry box.

As a habitual non-heel-wearer I feel 60% smug and 40% bad for feeling smug.

This guy! ugh!!!! He's so full of shit. His little scientific fact is incorrect. Females do not "reach" puberty at age 9 or 10. Females begin puberty at age 11 or 12 and outliers do begin at 9 or 10 but we do not "reach" or complete till around age 14 or 15. For some reason his "facts" gross me out because it

That is the entire point of the Loubotin shoes - they have red soles, so everyone can know you spent a ton on shoes, even if they look exactly like every other shoe out there!

Miley Cyrus is some kind of prodigy. I didn't think it was possible for a young, blonde, thin, famous, rich, beautiful white woman to be so thoroughly and consistently unsexy but she somehow pulls it off.

appropriate business attire.

Why is Teddy getting the benefit of a pseudonym? He's not a victim or a whistleblower. He's not someone sharing facts about his private life that could be harmful to him or his loved ones if associated with him, but that are educational for others to read about.

The building in the pic is a coeducational secular public high school in the Palestinian city of Gaza. It's run by the United Nations.

The bomb you see blowing up over it is a White Phosphorus Bomb. When fragments from that bomb hit human skin, they burn you to the bone.

It's outlawed by the Geneva Convention.


Well. Palestine didn't come to Israel, the Jews took over an area inhabited by Palestinian people repeatedly lobbied for their own nation only to have the post-war order hand colonization rights for an Israeli nation. Jews could have chosen Argentina FYI. It was offered and Jews were welcomed there.