
That's the biggest load of thin-privilege-lets-maintain-the-status-quo-and-keep-out-all-the-people-who-don't-look-like-ME!! I've read in a long time.

Yes, plus the added benefit to the patriarchy is that this new ideal requires a lot of time, energy, focus and commitment... all of those useful skills and qualities being applied to maintaining our bodies rather than striving for promotions or bettering our minds or anything remotely useful to society. It's all just

How many guys blog about harassment, how many guys document or report their harassment. They must not think it's a big issue if there isn't news or articles to perceive it as a big deal. Regardless if guys will think you are a pussy for "whining" about the harassment if it is a big issue, then report it. Don't go

The Constitution doesn't protect you from Microsoft, it protects from the Government. Please understand the difference. Everyone here has pointed significant distinctions in the situation. 1. The kid that got arrested did not actually threaten a school. He made a generic dark joke that got blown out of proportion.

I mean, if you can't take care of kids or don't want to learn how, maybe you shouldn't have them rather than just assuming your wife will do all the work.


I've watched the original Terminator at least 10,000 times. I know it by heart. It's my favorite movie.

Forgot one!

While he did get a bunch of screen time (perhaps too much), he's been referenced/in the background since Season 1. I almost took it as a tip of the hat to longtime viewers and including background characters in an event where it would make sense for him to be present just makes the show more "real" (hah!) to me.

In the picture, he looks like Evil Mark Ruffalo.

Excuse me? No one else is raising my kid but myself and my husband. Just because a child goes to daycare does not mean the parents do not raise the child. Where are you getting this ridiculous idea? We are the ones still responsible for educating, feeding, clothing, and teaching my child.

I looked it up:

History: JFK fucked around with countless women, including Marilyn Monroe.

Sarah Haskins is the only thing that could convince me to watch this show. The trailer looks meh, but after several viewings of Target: Women (and sharing them with everyone I know with an evangelical enthusiasm), I trust her.

I've been 50 for almost a year now. I must be doing something wrong!

I have no kids, so I guess it's weird that I find stuff to post pictures of on FB ALL THE TIME>

because the implications of a naked girl bracing against the ground are fairly obvious, and choosing to ignore it is contrarian bullshit