The B-1 is also waaaay more expensive to operate.
The B-1 is also waaaay more expensive to operate.
Newer Russian hardware is somewhat more durable than a BTR-80 or a BMP-2 though.
USAF really needs to stop claiming that the F-35 can completely take over the A-10's role, though. What I think we really need is a high-low mix where the A-10 is replaced by F-35s in the high intensity anti-armor role and A-29s in the coin, “kill Daesh dudes” role.
Well, there’s an argument to be made that in some ways, the F-35 could be cheaper, simply because of the infrastructure, but no.
Dat you, Mr. Trump?
Given unlimited resources, you probably could, but even the hardest core A-10 defender would tell you that’s not really realistic, for many reasons.
Pretty decent article. A little lighter on info than a typical dense Tyler article, but good effort, for a post-Tyler FA piece.
CAS, though... is not really an Air Force priority, and never particularly has been.
Kind of a distinction without a difference, no?
Like to see them try...
Oh, I’m sorry, are we not allowed to be in international waters working with our allies anymore? Pretty sure nobody who sees video of these stunts thinks the Americans are genuinely the aggressors.
But where do know-nothing loudmouth white guys with racist takes go next?
Like the story not so long ago about the Zumwalt rescuing a fishing boat, it’s nice when weapons of destruction unexpectedly lend a hand saving lives.
All terrorists, though. No civilians killed.
The late 70s, when Battlestar Galactica (the original) was a thing.
Hey, some of the USAF generals admitted to voting against the X-32 because it didn’t look the part.
They’re integrating Penguin? Nice. They should.
The feathered serpent? LOL love it.