Airplanes Phil

Well, so there you go. The same reason we don’t have a 60 MPG ICE car: price, and priorities.


I mean, it’s pretty clearly not a mature stealth jet. It’s a technology demonstrator, though it has many stealthy elements. I don’t really like the gear doors for stealth. I can’t tell if it’s large enough to include an S-bend for the engines, and there are certain aspects of the intakes I don’t really like. For a

Minor note, but that’s also not an F-16. It’s a Mitsubishi F-2 which is slightly larger than the F-16.

...and Japanese. And Mitsubishi.

Or stealth?

Most useful in high-alpha, post stall conditions, sure, but not “only”.

I assumed this was a Jerry post at first

There was nothing small about the F-15 STOL/MTD, except its takeoff roll.

While what you’ve said is correct, off boresight aiming would only realistically be used at very short ranges, or in an emergency, though, and at the point that you’re at close range and need to use off boresight missiles, you’re not likely to have a great energy budget anyway.

Everyone KNOWS BMW/Lexus/Audi are better than a Chevy, though. They’re not exactly helping reinforce some groundbreaking idea.

Diesel-electric hybrid is the right idea. You can run the car at whatever speed you want but keep the diesel running at constant engine speed without losing efficiency due to changing speeds or a reduction gear. When you don’t need the extra electric juice, you can shut down the diesel engine for awhile.

You’re a moron

Drake LaRoche would’ve had them doing it in fewer moves.

Yeah, but one of the teams involved in that trade has made the playoffs since then, so obviously it was a good trade!

Wow, way to talk out of both sides of your mouth, Barry.

Just end the internet now. It’s all downhill.

Seems to work okay, so long as there’s no good guys outside the tank.

Feel like if anyone else were writing this, you’d be asserting implicit racist bias, and not without reason.