Airplanes Phil

0 points for comprehension

I mean, props for the weird mixed metaphor and not assuming that a wrestler has to be male, but also.... weird as hell?

Oh, hey, so I guess that makes it private. Okay.

You’re not wrong.

Yet, you’re posting on it.

Those are his posts, not the media’s. He’s as much on board as anyone.

this guy gets it imho

You do realize that those of us who read FA under Tyler are largely still here, too, right?

Fortunately, we’ve got a few more decades until the B-52 flies into the sunset.

I do enjoy Tapatio, but I took a totally unscientific survey recently, mostly of people in the Southwest, and Cholula was rated more highly than Tapatio.

I hate this zero-sum hot sauce thinking. Personally, I keep Tabasco, Cholula, Tapatio, Frank’s, a Habanero sauce, and a sweet sauce, so I can match the sauce to the food.

Yes, that’s totally it. Good for you for figuring that out.

Yes, because it’s so hard to read the headline, read “shared from Foxtrot Alpha”, check the author’s name, see the obvious picture of military technology, etc., and then figure out what the article was about.

Any idea where that shot of the A-10 on the dirt road was taken? That’s the 357th FS, one of my BIL’s old birds.

You’re forgetting that the F-35 is totally invisible and invincible, though.

Crap! Tyler was the guy with his finger in the dyke, holding the flood of F-35s back!

Consider, for example, that I don’t think you and I would get along on another GM site. I find your politics slightly abhorrent. ;)

where did you delightful creature come from?

I once emailed a FA story to everyone in my family (we’re pretty much all aerospace, military, or nerds) and concluded at the bottom, “...and if you’re not reading Foxtrot Alpha everyday, what are you doing with your life??”

Pretty sure I’m not the only one at FA, not even close, who found FA completely independently of Jalopnik. Yeah, I read Deadspin and that was it, until I found FA.