Airplanes Phil

While technically correct, that has been largely bent, especially in the War on Terror.

There was rebellion in Warsaw, too. (Though the Red Army stopped rather than liberate them)


These are not issues that Russia cares about. From Russia’s POV, everyone opposing Assad is a target. So while we can make nuanced arguments and debate who is actually a terrorist and worthy of bombing or not, the Russians don’t care.

Well, for one thing, a lot of the people fighting Assad would not actually fit any definition of “terrorist”, unless you simply apply “terrorist” to anyone fighting Assad.


Compare with Yamato, too. And if you’re dividing out displacement, include the Deuschland-class, etc.

Definitely can be fired manually, I’ve witnessed it.

Well, that is a question open to interpretation, but I would say that a terrorist is one who uses intentional acts of terror, usually against non-combatants, to achieve political gains.

Okay, well, then how many civilian deaths are acceptable for the Russians to “end” the war?

Again, this is only even arguable if everyone fighting the government is a “terrorist”. If you simply define anyone who fights the government a terrorist, then every rebellion is illegitimate.

Yeah, Assad sure was a peach before everyone in the world just unilaterally thrust this war upon him.

Or, if they didn’t before, they will.

Well, maybe we have to fudge the facts a little and say the Germans don’t switch Battle of Britain targets to civilians. But the Germans moved a lot of air assets to the eastern front, as well. Heck, that’s where Erich Hartmann got most of his kills. Imagine having him over the western front for the entire war?

Assad. Assad’s actions against peaceful protesters are what started the whole mess.

Of course not. I expect them to also accept a non-Assad transitional government.


As you might have seen, Tyler pointed out that recent polling shows 59% of Russians approve of Russian actions in Syria. So, yes, “deeply unpopular” might have been the wrong words, except in a relative sense.

The answer to this question is so deep into the shit Russia’s been doing to Ukraine that the fact you deny it on face is hilarious.

Word for word from Russian propaganda. 100%.