Fascinating — would not have thought it, thanks for the insight!
Fascinating — would not have thought it, thanks for the insight!
I think early on, they literally just closed their eyes and picked a word from the corresponding (in this case, “F”) section of the dictionary. Otherwise, how do you come up with names like “Flagon” (Su-15), “Fishbed” (MiG-21), “Firebar” (Yak-28), etc.
It’s radar equipment that can be used with other systems besides the S-400. That’s the point I keep trying to make. It’s not “the S-400 radar”. That distinction is pointless.
This is my thought, too. I’m willing to concede that the Fencer was probably hit by a Sidewinder or AMRAAM in Syrian airspace — or at least, it’s equally likely that it was in Syrian airspace as Turkish airspace at that point.
Yeah, modern short range diesel boats have an acoustic advantage when under electric propulsion that nuke boats typically can’t really match — you can’t shut down the coolant system for very long, so you’ve got the sound of rushing water and the thermal plume. I don’t know much about the acoustic properties of the…
I read it the first time. It’s still pointless.
Now I can’t figure out if you’re an actual Russian sock puppet or just a sock puppet designed to make Russian sock puppets look dumb.
Um, yeah, flagged you for hate speech. Responding to your critics with overt anti-Semitism will get you flagged by me everytime.
Unrelated, but I wouldn’t be shocked... Kilos are quite a bit quieter than old LA class nuclear boats. It’s a real issue in foreign waters.
Still wrong.
As mentioned, NATO reporting name. And honestly, if you’re gonna call a plane something awesome like “Fullback”, the Su-34 is as deserving as any.
Hmmm... I wonder what type of home-on-jam capability western missiles have
Star for shared memories. Loved USNF. (And its various iterations)
OMG... it’s almost like the Russians are full of shit, as they have been on almost every other aspect of their foreign policy over the last few years.
Well, I flagged him for hate speech, and I encourage everyone else to do the same.
Sock puppets that constantly regurgitate nonsensical Russian propaganda are so fun!
Thank you for proving that you have completely missed the point.
Again, this means exactly shit. It’s also used by the S-300. It’s not “S-400 radar equipment” anymore than the 7.62x39mm round is “AK-47 ammo” or “SKS ammo” or “Mini-30 ammo”, or an airfield runway is an “F-22 runway” or “MiG-31 runway” or “Tornado runway”.