
This entire exhausting, long, horrifying trial seems like a giant, public Rorschach Test. The discourse I’ve seen via twitter, podcasts, and even among friends/family on social media is half illuminating and half terrifying. I’ve read things here and there, but it’s too much to follow the daily minutiae and there’s a

I don’t know. From my decade-plus history with these sites the traditional three I remember of TomatoTroll (always played the thing stupidly straight-faced), BarackaObama (basically your BernieBro archetype who was racist as hell), and Meteor (gaslighting and lovebombing) don’t fit.

Previous case in London dismissed in the judgement the picture Depp painted of Heard as this gold-digging abuser (

Nah, this is just “if I’m going down, I’m taking you with me” mentality.

Is this fucking fiasco still going on?

While I will admit to a cursory read of the article, my reference to “They” extends to politicians (I did not acknowledge in my response) of my home state of Texas who elected not to pass similar legislation last year (

Ah yes democrats, also famous for being not racist or classist.

No, just own it. You did say that to minimize the issue, you heartless troll.

I am shocked at the number of women I know who are adamantly pro-Depp on this. I kept seeing one meme on Facebook that was like “Johnny was there for us, now we need to be there for him!” Ma’am, Johnny was never there for you, and if “being there for him” requires calling his ex a whore, maybe think about that for a

Comparing a person to a bruised banana is pretty shitty. But an adult should be capable of recognizing that different people like different things, even if they themselves don’t.

If I could like this 1,000 times I would.  So spot-on.  Having a purity test for sexual abuse victims that they must pass before we believe them is disgusting. 

The thing about liberals and some leftists being thirsty as f**k to prove how clever and above it all they are by claiming that they “both seem to be terrible people” (as many in this sites comment section have done) is that it’s..... based on what? Besides trying their hardest to maintain the illusion of

I tried really hard not to feel involved or invested in this trial—I don’t know anything about this relationship and I don’t want to assume innocence or guilt when such horrifying accounts of domestic violence exist on both sides.

The thing that’s key to understanding this phenomenon is how the narrow ideal for feminine beauty is baked into the American standard for Masculinity™. Masculine Men are horny all the time, and when confronted with a Sexy Woman they can hardly control themselves, howling like coyotes at the full moon. Conveniently,

As the famous tweet says, “Peterson looks like the guy who steals blood from the blood-bank for Dracula.”

My favorite thing about all these supposed non-conformist, heterdox thinkers, is how boring and basic all of their opinions are. Like “There are only two genders” is not a heterdox opinion! That’s one of the most conformist opinions you can have! That a woman without a thigh gap or whatever (and with dark skin and

I saw this description elsewhere on the interwebs but it described him as: “Looking like one of Dracula’s henchmen that gets sent to the hospital to steal blood” and it’s 100% accurate.

It’s too bad that people like Peterson don’t fucking bother to stop and think about what the actual point/meaning/usefulness of sharing their opinion on something as subjective as beauty actually is. I, personally, prefer thick over thin, but “Who the fuck cares about my opinion?” is exactly what I ask myself before

It’s so bizarre that people are this threatened by the idea that beauty comes in all flavors.  If you’re not personally interested, move along!  No one is coming to your house to force you to love a certain way, except for conservatives.  What a boring world we would live in if everyone enjoyed exactly the same thing.

1. I have seen lots of people say “it’s just is joke.” 2. It’s not re-hashed for me because I never knew this happened and decided to have an opinion. 4. I do take Amber Heard’s side 3. You don’t know people’s outside lives by single comment they made online. I do get involved in my local community. I read an article