
You are clearly not familiar with Ziwe and her comedy. Note the incredulous look she gives after each and every question because she cannot believe these people are dumb enough to answer them. She is the queen of irreverent youngsters and this middle aged man finds her delightful.

He was born in Schenectady, he grew up in Westchester, and he went to Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire for high school. He is very, very much not From Here.

It’s not a serious question, because obviously foreign policy is not a thing the mayor of any American city is even permitted to engage in. I’m surprised he wasn’t better prepared for it though.

I think it’s a tongue-in-cheek play off the controversy surrounding his initial staunchly pro-Israel take on the recent outbreak of violence.

I got a huge laugh at Times Square being the man’s favorite subway stop. Most New Yorkers don’t spend time there unless absolutely necessary.

Well.... conventional catholicism is a cult if ever there was one. Top dude (Mr. Pope) is appointed by god to lead the masses. Most of the popes over the century were as far from saintly as you can get. I know I don’t even have to go there with the issues with priests. You know, the guys who are told by god and the

Except Hitchens wasn’t directly responsible for a lot of entirely preventable death and misery.

Considering her name is still common shorthand for someone who’s pure and selfless and beyond reproach, I’d say most people don’t know what she was really up to.

They can both be trash.

I went to college with a guy who always wore a t-shirt that said, JESUS IS A CUNT! He was always trying to be incindiary and bizarre. When he tried yelled some misogynistic garbage at me, all I said back to him was, “Your parents clearly didn’t love you enough because you’re starved for attention.”

Wasn’t Wife Swap the one with the uber religious lady who absolutely melts down when she gets back to her family? Like refusing the money because it was the Devil’s money or something?

There’s absolutely nothing to suggest that it was an evangelical church except for Joan’s speculation. I feel safe stating that there are all manner of denominations among Los Angeles churches.

Full disclosure: I have an unexplainable, long-rooted visceral dislike of Olivia Munn. And until now, that black hole of scorn has been light-years from the luminous love I feel for J. Mulaney.

Knives Out was badly written? You really want to criticize someone else's writing?

I did not mean to come across as judgmental.  I would probably not agree to have my therapy sessions televised.  However, when I was in therapy, I would often fantasize about having 3 interns observing the sessions.  This idea appealed to me for all of the reasons I wrote in my first post.  

I mentioned hereabouts that one of the problems of an advice column is the information gathering. LW doesn’t say where they heard that the former bully is working with special needs kids. If they heard it from someone who works with him, I think it's okay to mention that history. It's informal and theoretically, if

She was a monster.

I don’t think childless celibate catholics know a thing about love.

I think the point is that they feel they’re better than single parents :(. Bigots don't like or follow logic.

“We have already shut our adoption services, because we believe our children may not receive real love”