
Ugh this. So much. Like, just take it easy dude!

He is a troll.

The more you know! Thank you.

Oh! I thought he was just some recently lost his virginity and was horrible at the sex so is now weird and defensive adolescent boy! Whoops.

“I suspect that you are easier to get off than most women” Ew.



Lol, I know! What a fucking bizarre response!

Dude seriously, why are you here? I DID NOT ASK YOUR EXPERT OPINION ON BLOWJOBS. EVER. I most certainly don’t care or want to know what your personal experience with receiving them is, either. I’m a little shocked anyone is willingly blowing you, frankly. And lol at you thinking anyone gives a shit about what you

An unskilled unenthusiastic blowjob may result in YOUR orgasm, this is not true of most men I’ve known. And the article does not say amything about penetration. It says the key to giving a woman an orgasm, most of the time at least, is kissing, fingers, and oral sex. So why the fuck do you keep talking about how


Bill Maher is not far left at all.

Why do you not have all the stars??? This is the best observation ever.

Yeah...I have a hard time understanding how referring to a white person as white is really all that offensive, and I am a white person. Also, why the hell is he crying about having bought a build-a-bear for a girl “who is black”? Wait - is it ok for him to refer to her that way??? I guess if they had referred to him

I acknowledged that the woman in question sounds like a shitty racist person who happens to also be an alcoholic. Or not. It is also possible that her lawyer simply thought that would bring her more sympathy. I apologize for perhaps being defensive - I just hear a lot of people speak vehemently about alcohol and

Wow. You seem REALLY confident in your knowledge of exactly what alcohol does and/or does not do to every single person.

And no, I did not turn racist when I was drunk. However, I certainly did plenty of things that I wasn’t proud of. This woman sounds awful. I just find the blanket assumption that alcohol always brings out peoples true selves to be problematic and basically not true. That said, yes, you can be a racist asshat AND an

Thank you for putting this so well. As a recovering alcoholic, I find it troubling when people assume that alcohol simply “removes inhibitions”. This woman does sound like she is a racist AND an alcoholic, but not everything a drunk alcoholic does or says is indicative of their “true self”. For me, I feel like I was

Jezebel reader here who doesn’t give a shit about the stupid car articles from Jalopnik that get crossed linked and... it has never occurred to me to complain. Is learning about something other tham cars harming you in some way? If so, don’t click?

I’m going to see this today, just bought tickets. I can’t wait.