
Thank you for this comment and your honesty. So few people understand addiction yet so many seem to have opinions regarding it, despite not understanding at all. You speak so eloquently about a very real problem that needs more understanding. The “bender” thing is not weird at all, as you said, it is extremely common,

I may just do that. Thank you again.

I look horrific in photos or video. IRL, I guess I’m fairly attractive. I would really hate to have my writing judged on the basis of a photo. Not because the photo didn’t make me look pretty, but because, as mentioned in the article, a man’s appearance has nothing to do with the writing he does.

I’m so sorry. Again, went through the same thing. Along with being “ghosted” and having the guy call but I didn’t recognize his number. I have nothing to offer but my support. Reach out anytime. I have a lot of experience with this type of thing.

I’m new here so you probably won’t even see this. I’ve been in the same situation. It’s so very very hard. Block him. In every way possible. He will continue to hurt you otherwise.

I happen to be a fan of goal oriented therapy. However. It’s not for everyone. Your therapist sounds almost dangerous. To make you feel that way IS NOT OK. I have no better advice than to seek out somebody more capable with treating your issues. You are not the problem, your therapist is.

Bless you. I’ve admired your comments for so long and now it’s like you actually care whether or not I, a random desperate commenter, lives. If that sounds in any way sarcastic IT IS NOT. Thank you so so much. Words escape me. I’m so so grateful for the support I’ve gotten from (can I call them that?) my fellow

Wow. Thank you so much for sharing your own experience. That was really helpful for me to read. I am on an SSRI, as well as anti anxiety meds. I think my isolation and low self esteem right now is what’s dangerous. But reading posts like yours make me feel less alone. Thank you so very much. The responses I received,

Thank you so much.


Your Saturday seems like the best Saturday! Congrats!

I called the hotline. You are a blessing to us all. Thank you so much.

And thank you for the advice for those of us who feel suicidal. It’s extremely important to know.

Torties are the best! So much personality! Mine passed away (old age it’s okay), but I love any tortie pics!

Aaaand you are brilliant and I look forward to your comments. #fangirl

Thank you. I’m so so glad to be a part of this. Just. Wow. Tears. Thanks.

Wow. Thank you so much. I’m headed towards an MSA. I adore your comments so that means so much to me. I just want to be a part of this community. Thanks!

Hey jezzies, I love you all. Unfortunately I’m severely clinically depressed and for me to create a kinja so I can be part of a group is super important. This is so obnoxious but I have lost yet another friend to a heroine overdose and sometimes I wonder why I don’t take the same route. I need some jezzie love. I’m so

Will work.

Hi All,