
God bless Pop

Can’t like/star this enough

I feel like we are the Roman empire right at the beginning of its fall.

You need to be neutered.

While I laughed, the NFL is so fucking stupid

Wow! 2017 has just begun and we have already won something! Plus we have the #1 pick. Things are looking up.

I’m sorry, I could not care less. The Tech of Jefferson for smiling? All the bullshit that Green pulled without getting an additional tech? The times James was hacked? I’m not even a Cavs fan and I was pretty upset about the imbalance of calls. The NBA can go eat a dick though. They are about as bad as NCAA

1. Mariah, wow. Again, wow. Quite easy on the eyes.

Ah, so clever that one is.

omg. that his hilarious. I never even noticed

Is he like a low key minority version of Anthony Weiner? Replace teens with pornstars maybe?

There are a few things that you could dislike Chrissy for, this comment really isn’t one of them. Take it down a notch.

First the Bill Murray/Usher stories and now the sick burn. I am becoming a fan. haha

Denard! Probably my favorite college player of all time. Love that kid. I will watch Jaguars games from time to time just to see if he can get a few carries. (They are soo poorly coached it is crazy)

His defense certainly was. However, he brought Denard into our lives and for that I will forever be grateful.

LOL This is great.

I thought Johnny was back in LA? I kid I kid. I am a sad Browns fan too. :(

Her beauty really is unparalleled.

That is absolutely adorable.

Everyone who agreed to have this fight occur should be fined/arrested. There is no reason that he should be fighting at his age. I can’t imagine the damage that has been done to his brain. :(