
Makes me glad I modded both of my 3DSes. Looks like piracy is how I'll have to play my classics, and also that I'll be trusting Sony and Microsoft as gaming companies more going through the future 

Still not buying one unless they get Demons Souls/ Bloodborne 

Suse, unless your a fan of Sony exclusives.

For me, game pass is download enabled or nothing. The internet situation outside of large cities has to be better than it currently is or I won't subscribe (this also applies to PlayStation)

Agreed. And then make it to where any DRM can be processed either on the player made server or, in a P2P game, client side.

Or stashing the games away and exercising your legal DMCA right to make a backup copy for yourself. And then if you want you can donate the original and the backup to the game preservation foundation for them to be able to make anything playable.

Thats you. Personally I don’t get rid of the games I’ve played to completion, and I buy physical versions of games I either want to try or that I hold dear. Hell, I still have all my physical Metroid games, Shin Megami Tensei games and even my Soulsbornes.

That wasn't just Other M... that was also a Zelda game. That said I've never played Other M and only ever heard of the Zelda game requiring that

Mout people who get this thing probably WONT be running those in particular.

Welp, this is a game I'll be skipping then.

While I agree that the Git Gud mentality is ultimately toxic I still will keep that mentality in mind to hold against myself. As games start getting more and more accessible I’m having to find harder and harder games to play to hold my attention. I don’t just games for story, I play for challenge. And more often than

Its so cursed its blessed, AND I WANT ONE!!!!! Maybe THEN will my boyfriend leave me alone when I'm playing my vidga games (or maybe he will want in on the fun and actually try some games while getting a heated massage, who knows?)

I think its genius, but to solve the losing the earbuds problem they could do what the Nintendo Switch did with lost joycons but with music/tones. As a refresher, you can find a Switch joycon or Pro controller by having it vibrate hard enough you hear it