Locomotive Jones

Says the white person.

Oppression is relative, and it is oppressive by Western standards to have Christians use the legal system to dictate women’s options over their own health care. No one is saying that the oppressiveness is equivalent to what the sex slaves are suffering under ISIS.

unfuckingbelieveable,you take the absolute horror and hell these poor women go through and turn it to your own political diatribe..this is real opression and real abuse of women and this is what you took time to post?im just going to assume you are a nasty piece of work


You seem like a pretty backward-ass person.

If you still don’t believe that certain portions of Christianity could ever be as violent as the Islamic State is now, I suggest reading a history lesson on the Crusades or the Spanish Inquisition.

I just spent my last 10 comments calling him an overrated hack, but now I’m back to Team Tyson. He’s right.

EXACTLY. If the guy was such a fucking genius, he would working in his field, not appearing in Zoolander 2.

Yes, it is horrible of you.

Yes, it’s horrible of you. He’s a bad motherfucker and kids need to be reminded that science is coolest shit ever.

Except when you consider the number of women (and men) who find sex painful, it’s not just about being a biologist. It’s noticing what sex is like for people other than yourself.

We went to see him speak, and he said more than one incorrect thing about evolution.

He’s not a biologist so I can understand his mistake.

Why do you love him? You don’t know him.

Is Tyson was as smart as people love to claim he is, he would be a working scientist. Instead, he’s a figurehead for science in general, because he makes people feel good.