
Its not sexism. They wouldn’t want a visior in any kind of period costume at most places like this. It confuses visitors and they don’t want what looks like a hired interpreter going thru the museum and potentially giving out misinformation or being disruptive to visitor experiences.

I can guarantee you that I could dress up like Frank Lloyd Wright and get in there. Or Pablo Picasso or name any male artist of the last 200 years.It’s only women that get denied. It isn’t persecution, It’s sexism.

While I can sympathize with people who love to show off their fabulous costumes this way, I can see why Disney has the rule in place. Having randos in costumes (especially costumes good enough to the point where someone can be mistaken as an employee) that Disney hasn’t vetted or trained setting up shop and posing for

Yep. My sister and her friends went to Mickey’s No So Scary Halloween (where you can wear costumes because it’s after regular park hours) one year and they did a Peter Pan theme. There was a huge group of them and one of them is a theater costume designer, he did like 80% of the costumes. They had Peter, Wendy, the

Some dude tried calling me Ruth Bader Ginsburg as an insult. I laughed so fucking hard I hope he died from embarrassment.

I suppose this requires the legendary Joan Crawford shot (she stayed home and made them bring it to her!)

Give Faye Dunaway a do-over (sans Warren).

Chicago West is how kids from Aurora, IL who go out-of-state for college explain where they’re from.

Has jackshit to do with my comment, but, sure, enjoy using your words, buddy!

I thought the storm was named Fiona, that was what we heard on the continent the French had a good laugh about a storm named fion (means butthole) as that fucker blew my bins over!

Tell him Obama ate a whole thingy of Tide pods

Great, thanks, you made me actually sit down and have a hard think on what’s more dumb, doing meth or eating tide pods. Take your star you punk.

I’ve been trying to channel the confidence of a mediocre white guy while applying to grad programs this fall.

People have been saying “It’s fucking fiction” since the 1950s, anytime they don’t want to analyze art inside a cultural framework or whenever they don’t want to analyze art at all.

If young Kween Zendaya says it’s Tuesday then I’m updating my shit to Tuesdaya. 

Woody Allen has repeatedly written young, beautiful women falling in love with much older men. It grosses me out.

The “learn self-defense” thing has always rubbed me the wrong way too. And I say this with 5+ years of martial arts training with a self-defense bent.

Men expect to be safe when they walk into a business meeting unless they’re doing something wildly illegal. How is a woman expecting to be safe at a business meeting “being coddled”?

Huh. So it’s coddling to expect that you won’t be raped while meeting a potential employer.

Wait, so being able to walk into a business environment and NOT get sexually assaulted is “being coddled”? Whoa, man.