
I look forward to the reaction of Jerry Jones after the first group of players celebrate a TD by play-acting a cop killing an unarmed motorist who has been pulled over for driving while black...

I guess I don’t really understand what you’re saying, here. I think the idea behind their demonstration is to draw attention to a problem, and this accomplishes that. It doesn’t have to be rich with symbolism if it brings an issue forward, is I guess where I come down on that.

Seriously. Who would’ve thought mundane sportsmanship would feel weird?

Needed this. Not even gonna lie.

Have you not followed his career at all? That was not an isolated incident. I’ll just leave this one example here, copied from his Wikipedia page:

I’ve known people who haved worked for famous people. Believe me, this is nothing. My demands would seem far weirder.

None of this seems that unreasonable to me.

Drew summed this up perfectly in the Jamboroo today.

“I was having fun,” Trump said of his four-hour visit to San Juan, Puerto Rico’s capital, last Tuesday. That visit, most memorably, had him throwing paper towels to an audience gathered to see him inside a church. “They had these beautiful, soft towels. Very good towels,” Trump said. He claimed that the people of


“Awarding” money to Vegas? That makes it sound like “hey you win for having the highest death count in a mass shooting this year! Congrats!”

I’m all for Trump going down in flames, as long as he doesn’t take us all with him.

For real. We trot out players that weren’t good enough four years ago and we act surprised when this happens. We let the MLS and USSF become conjoined like carnival freaks and it results in a team filled to the brink with players that just aren’t good enough.

Come on guy. They lost to Trinidad and Tobago. The United States. We shouldn’t lose to Trinidad and Tobago at anything. ANYTHING. If you don’t think that’s at least a little bit hilarious, well, I don’t know what to tell you. If England ever loses to Bermuda, you’d never stop laughing.

Trump talking to athletes (“although I hear his sister may be the best hockey player in the family...”) is exactly like when a priest, during his sermon, tries to use cool kid lingo to connect with the kids. “So, the other day I am jamming on my hoveringboard with my nephew and thought to myself ‘isn’t God lit?” You

Not sure too many people really objected to Newton’s original comment as anything but dumb. But his inability and unwillingness to acknowledge his dumbness when she approached him after the presser is really the crux of the problem. All he had to do was apologize to her personally and it would’ve been dropped, but

Just nice to know there are guys like Will out there who are willing to spend their free time combing through multiple years worth of tweets in order to find one that proves...... something.

I’ve woken up nearly every morning for 10 months saying the same thing.

I can’t watch the clips since I refuse to listen to him speak, but do they include this part?

I find myself unable to care much about this story on substance, but goddamn does it reveal a stunning lack of intelligence and judgment, even for these empty headed dolts. I mean, how can you have been intimately involved in the 2016, in which your side won largely because of a focus on a government officials’ use of