
I tend to call everything sweaters...but only because I’m incredibly lazy.

Seriously. I’m almost 35 (shudder) but I swear there were question marks visible around my head as I was reading this.

When they release the reboot of Dante’s Inferno, this will be the trailer.

I hope she has SNL Sean Connery writing jokes for her.

Hillary may be shitty at telling jokes, but she is a straight up gangster when it comes to sitting at a table chitchatting with someone she fucking hates. She was first lady! Trump however has spent his life paying people to keep frustrating situations as far from him as possible, and lashing out when he feels

If he’s smart, he’ll just be ready to downplay his off-the-cuff failure as him doing a Michael Scott impersonation.

She should just send Kate McKinnon in her place.

If ever there was a charity dinner where getting completely shit-faced would be justified, it would be this one.

Everyone at their table:

I would 100% read that from the library. She’d never get my money.

I can’t tell you how many times during this election I have walked out of the bathroom and stood in front of the tv to be sure what I was hearing was really happening, and I wasn’t just imagining it.

I honestly believe Clinton deliberately baits him into that sort of attack, and he’s just too damn stupid not to walk right into it. She figures out exactly how she can needle him to make him publicly melt down and then stands there and smiles through it and looks thoroughly presidential while he’s throwing a tantrum

Can we get an “oh fuck yeah” for Clinton’s little, withering “that is not how it happens.”

The CDC is rigged. Statisticians are part of the mathematical elite.

Perfect French. The best French.

Your French sounds great to me.

“Respect” is what he calls his hands. His hands are for women.

Just curious how many abortions this man has demanded over the years.

So you’re saying he seeks out the truth/facts first before making assumptions.

That’d be funny if you were just randomly standing in the middle of a large hallway