The irritated drink stirring is my favorite part. It’s like he can’t cuss the dude out, so he has to do something to let the energy out.
The irritated drink stirring is my favorite part. It’s like he can’t cuss the dude out, so he has to do something to let the energy out.
I dunno, but I’d love for it to be my bed.
Oh told that monkeyfighter
this movie is fine and Emily Blunt should be nominated for something.
“I wanna be MADE into a SENIOR MANAGER!!”
Their audience has got to be mostly old ass Millennials like me by now, they should do a Made just for old people whose youthful dreams have died.
Every time I exercise I think of that teen boy who wanted to be made into a triathlete or something and puked Burger King all over the gym like 4 times.
Is this where I can whine about my fruitless attempts to find a very specific episode of Made.
Tonight, I’m hosting a pity party in my apartment, because the guy I’d been seeing just broke up with me. He was straightforward and honest about it, and I’ve deleted him from my phone and things, but just ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH. It’s difficult and complicated and I just want to find someone who makes me happy. But who is…
I was just noticing the other day how vulpine this dad looked when he was younger. I guess the supernatural runs strong with this family.
If Brad Pitt wants the public to ignore his divorce he should have Terrence Malick direct it.
Look, even Satan has standards.
That’s not all mirror. That is one of those paintings he bought with charity money.
Lmfao even the mic is conspiring against him now! What appliances are going #withher next??
I thought Trump came off as legit unhinged. He almost foamed at the mouth during the tax returns segment. Same with the Iraq War support. CALL HANNITY! ASK HANNITY! HANNNNIIIIIIITY!
What is wrong with everyone??? Sigh. That should be a new meet up. People who realize dating is terrible and just want someone to cuddle on the couch with and won’t ghost or be cowardly like that.
I don’t really get this. The kids are selfish and spoiled and damaged. Part of their “damage” is the behavior of their at-the-time father who was struggling with his own issues and neglectful of the kids. Josh was continually raped by their babysitter when he was 13 and his family didn’t stop it. And now he’s a…