
They are the Nick and Nora of Now.

Same. Chrissy and John are the cutest. They warm my cold dead heart.

While I am loathe to put anyone on a pedestal, Chrissy & John really are #marriagegoals, aren’t they?

Miles would be perfect casting for Lochte in a dark, dramatic 2 hour movie about what really went down that night in Rio.

I’m really happy in my marriage, as all of you very well know ;)

Hey, Neil, any chance we can move that timeline up at all? Say, by the end of the year, maybe?

Read that as “hump ketchup on it” and I was like “Well I guess??"

That guy forgot to have a neck.

Oh my gosh, 3 months of dating is almost like no time at all if you’re not famous. You’re dating just long enough to discover the other person doesn’t like cheese on their hamburgers and GIRL THAT IS WHEN YOU KNOW IT IS OVER.

I’ve done that and so much it kills me that there may still be EMAILS OUT THERE that I sent to this one guy in particular. Can we just eternal-sunshine all of these guy memories *cringes to death*

Ugh, yes! I go through all those too! I think that is one of the worst parts of ghosting/dating in general.

Yeah, I always try to minimise romantic things and it always ends up feeling a million times worse. And so often it is about those lost possibilities. But if you don’t risk and invest in those possibilities, it’s hard to eventually find someone to fall in love with, I guess.

I’m so sorry, that sucks. I’ve had it happen and it’s shitty. But my recommendation? Don’t call. Don’t text. Don’t waste any more time on this person. I know it’s painful and frustrating but he’s not going to say anything that makes it ok and since he’s done this once already, this is how he deals with things. No

hey, hey: you are a good person and this is temporary.

Hello, lovely. I don’t know if we’ve ever exchanged comments, but I’d love to occupy your li’l thread if that’s okay.

I don’t like sex offenders any more than the next person, but I think it’s pretty dangerous to make their lives so damned unlivable that the ones who want to be rehabilitated lose any motivation to stay on the right path.

You, me and Costanza...

Yeah, speaking as a person who always comes up with the great comeback about two hours post-incident, I would like some of those skills, please.


I don’t want to alarm the stubby kid in white, but he should be aware that there’s an emaciated centipede crawling on his face