Deadlifts: you either love ‘em or are afraid of ‘em. To the casual eye, they look like a great way to throw out your…
Deadlifts: you either love ‘em or are afraid of ‘em. To the casual eye, they look like a great way to throw out your…
Lol, thanks for clarifying. Now I can feel comfortable starring you... though that will elevate neither of us out of the greys
Sorry. Pure sarcasm. But I’ve heard it before.
poe’s law
Are we sure this wasn’t a false flag by the feminazis to make the GGers look bad? GGers have never harassed anyone. It’s about the ethics in gaming journalism, not misogyny.
The reason they’re reporting on this crime is right in the headline: she’s the first trans woman to be murdered this year (that we know of). And then to add insult to injury, the statement issued by the police uses male pronouns and her birth name, which is something happens depressingly often. These two things…
The police used incorrect pronouns and an incorrect name to identify her - in death, her correct and real gender is erased by people who should know better.
Probably because they have been ignored and dehumanized for so long. The more bigots or uneducated people are exposed to stories of trans people, the more (hopefully) they will be able accept and acknowledge the humanity of trans people. People tend to hate and fear the unknown. There are many, many people who have…
I think as of right now, the primary issue here is the fact that the police and media did not use the proper pronouns or name for her. Having her identity erased by them when she is unable to speak up for herself any longer is something that happens all too often to trans people that haven’t been able to legally…
I’m still not eating those banana peels.
Can we talk about the production values of the snowboarding video?
I’d be mad if I paid for first class and got moved to coach too.
Madonna, girl, you’re trying too hard.
He’s a piece of shit.
On a related note, does anyone rock that hairstyle anymore apart for former Power Rangers?
Off the top of my head (I was bored/insane one summer and watched all the PR series, some are fairly decent for kids adventure shows, but oy, overall it was not a good idea):
I used to take capoeira with a power ranger. He was on some offshoot. I never saw it because I am/was an old. He was maybe a blue ranger. He was a very handsome and sweet guy. He married a woman he met in class. As far as I know they are doing well.
two of the black red rangers actually did real acting after. One was in Jessica Jones.
Actually, quite a few of the original rangers are doing well, if not exactly as famous as before. I know that Johnny Yong Bosch is doing well, as are the actors who played Bulk and Skull.