
Britney is fabulous. This post was unnecessarily mean.

I’m gonna school you all for being dorks, and you’re probably going to hate me for it, but whatev. First: If you’re pissed off because you want a native person who looks like Chief Crazy Horse, you’re being a jerk. Native people look all kinds of ways and many of us could pass as white if we wanted—mostly because

Further evidence that the Bible is not “the greatest story ever told.” If it had been written by a halfway competent writer, the Tree of Knowledge would have been a motherfucking cheese block. Nobody sacrifices their immortal soul for an apple. Come on.

1) Don’t voice chat. They don’t know if you don’t talk.

Any other company, besides Komen, and I’d be infuriated by this.


The problem is, WWE announcing is mostly pretty bad. And it’s increasingly clear that it is Vince McMahon’s fault

I’d love to hear Jim Ross’s take on this. He retweeted the list earlier tonight, but didn’t comment on it.

Subscriber counts and views are unpredictable and sometimes inexplicable. There are plenty of Youtubers who put out good content but have almost no subscribers. They just... don’t have them.

The comments about suicide being selfish are upsetting but not surprising; but I am amazed and comforted by the amount of smacking down they are getting. My mother and an ex boyfriend committed suicide and I’ve never begrudged them that. As someone who has struggled with depression and suicidal ideation almost my

And the political right creates a false equivalence between literally every law. “Oh, I can’t punch this homeless guy, but he can sit on the sidewalk all he wants?”

What the fuck is wrong with the world today?

unpopular opinion alert but sometimes a sandwich just needs some ‘naise, man.

nah, no beyond good and evil 2.

You should see what happens when Winifred really lets loose.

Anyway it’s a great reminder that flats are handy because you never know when you’re gonna need to run from a dinosaur in the middle of the workday.

God, Madonna really is desperate these days.

I don’t speak for all trans people but for me before I transitioned and the immediate period after I was focused mostly upon appearance. I thought, yes, I have permission now to wear this pretty outfit or makeup.

What particularly bums me out is the forums and microphones we allow TERFs. Like, allowing this individual a platform at all, along with her bullshit about how “EVERYONE THINKS THIS BUT NO ONE SAYS IT” (um, no, dear, we’re not all as bigoted and rotten as you, thanks) is another way of mainstreaming this kind of idea.

Burkett’s piece was some white woman nonsense and is a perfect example of why many* white women feminists over the age of 40 tend to piss me the fuck off.