It’s a really bad idea to have someone “nut on my chess.” Very difficult to checkmate when the queen keeps sticking to the board.
Based on my experience with such unconnected drivel, I can only assume that a Mario Kart tournament broke out in the restaurant, and this woman repeatedly used the blue shell on Tyrone.
Let's all celebrate the transphobic Sandy Hook denier! Woo!
So wait, a transphobic, “bro-like” character with a padded record, protection from uncle Dana/UFC brass (for the crap she says), and hand-picked opponents (she would take on a washed-up Gina Carano at a higher weight, but not Cyborg) is featured on Jezebel as some sort of inspiration?
Seems legit.
But hey Jezebel, at…
This is bullshit though
As a long time fighting game player, it annoys me when someone tries to frame the game using their own personal rule sets. Every time a player loses to “spamming,” it’s because they failed to adapt to their opponent.
Broccoli is my least favorite vegetable. I’m more of a brussels sprouts man myself—they are INCREDIBLE roasted. I have yet to find a way to make broccoli that delicious, but I am certainly open to suggestions :-)
Honestly I understand the dev’s feelings (even though I don’t agree with his immature public insulting). TB has this reputation (and fully believes himself to be) this prophet of fairness and intelligent insight. But he spouts biased statements with the same regularity and selfless-assuredness as anyone else, the only…
Oh man. All of the straight people on here who are like "why do you need to get married to commit to each other? It's just a piece of paper!" A piece of paper that has huge, HUGE legal benefits, a piece of paper that acts as a symbol of lifetime commitment, and piece of paper that does genuinely make it much harder to…
Play for full effect:
Actually, it's about ethics in skinny-fit suit-wearing.
I once joked with a friend that I should write a cookbook called ROAST THAT FUCKER!, which boils down to "You basically cannot fuck up any vegetable if you large dice it, put it on a sprayed cookie sheet, cover it in spices, and stick it in an oven at 350."
When abuse from GamerGaters is pointed out, there's a few classic responses. We could practically turn this into GamerGate bingo.