
My beautiful, adorable Ollie fell asleep on the 19/09/19.

I mean... I understand that J-Lo is super privileged and has money to spend on creams / lasers / fillers etc. but still. So do many others and no one manages to look better at 50 than they did at 30. WTAF. Is blood of virgins involved? 

Yeah, no, I cannot compute feeling “ire” at ever seeing a little girl who looks like this or having the nerve to compare this hairstyle—which looks like the girl just got out of soccer practice for fuck’s sake—to minstrel imagery.

Always remember: The goal of Republicans is to make government as ineffective as possible, the better to justify cutting its budget (in ways that funnel that money into their pockets instead). They are looking for the most inept, incompetent, useless motherfuckers on the face of the planet. If those incompetent

Every agency head that Trump has nominated is fundamentally opposed to the mission and existence of the agency they head. Betsey Devos is fundamentally opposed to the mission of public schools. Scott Pruitt is fundamentally opposed to environmental regulations. And Carson doesn’t believe the government should provide

Ah yes, Schrodinger's Queer: Gay men aren't real men, but trans women are the manliest men.

Why hasn’t he figured out a way to get my hair to not frizz? Fucker. 

He decided to go to AA.  I was proud of him for that recently.

My arthritis still bothers me sometimes. Damn Brad Pitt.

It’s been a minute since Brad Pitt did anything that made me proud of him, but I’ll take this. He seems to be a genuinely nice person, once all the self-aggrandizing bullshit of celebrity is washed away. I went to school with one of his cousins and from all accounts their family is as functional as any in rural

That’s exactly how Weinstein and others of his orc ilk get away with these monstrosities—on the rare occasions they’re actually confronted the person (Pitt in this case) is not only enraged but incredulous that Weinstein would do something so blatantly crass and gross in the first place. Remember, Paltrow at this

It would also dilute his message. He knew about Paltrow and the message was “if you go after her again, I’ll kill you”. Expanding that to other women (unknown to Pitt and Paltrow, as in they didn’t even know there WERE others) just gives Weinstein an opening to muddy things.

Brad Pitt also didn’t cure cancer while confronting Harvey.  What an asshole. 

This is Jezebel. No one can do anything right, ever.

To defend Pitt a bit, in that moment it probably didn’t occur to him that there were other women who had gone through abuse similar to Paltrow from that POS.  

So Brad did a thing, and still needs to have that touch of snark, that too bad he didn’t do more?

If I made a Sondheim reference and someone responded with they prefer The Phantom of the Opera, that’s my queue to not take them seriously.

And CNN put Corey Lewandowski on New Day this morning at 8am after he admitted lying regularly to the press under questtioning by Berke yesterday. Under oath.

It actually...kinda works on her. The eyebrows pull it all together.