
With the risk of getting murdered by the hive...As much as I love Beyoncé as an artist, she couldn’t act to save her life. When I heard about this casting I was really hoping that she would only do the music and leave the voice acting to someone else. I’ll probably have the album on repeat, but I don’t think I’ll see

She actually sounds mature and self-aware....dont understand where the hate in the comments comes from. Shes a good artist who puts out catchy pop songs, i like her

The embezzling president of the Selena fan club shot Selena in a hotel room. What else is there to say?

I just slipped over to IMDB, and found the perfect suspect: James Caan, Honeymoon in Vegas.

As I mentioned in another comment, this is the logical consequence of Trump ostensibly being above the law. Mueller let him skate and the House won’t impeach him and republicans in congress enable him and everyone seems to accept the (wrong) conclusion that a sitting president can’t be indicted; so what consequence

Just hopping in on another Wendy “shitbag” Williams post to make sure everyone realizes that Wendy Williams is a massive piece of shit, and all of you that pay any heed to her pile of burning garbage need to go get evaluated.

Wendy Williams is a trash human being.

I agree with and share your curiosity over the Baz Luhrmann approach to EP’s life. However, I respectfully disagree with your suggestion about Mr. Teller. Seriously, that nasal, zero-presence-having asshat should prolly stick to the vague, fratboy-like (in any context) typecasting that seems to define his career.

I love how she attacks The Globe for doing the same exact thing that she does, and often. Lawd, this woman.

1) why do we have a census/what are we hoping to learn here?

Kim is not aware of anything, so

Just a friendly reminder, if by some miracle they get the question in there, you don’t have to answer it, your census will still be counted. 

She has a chance for the same reasons why Trump got elected. Because we live in an era in which education, science and reason are being abandoned. It’s all about grandiose self-serving speeches. “I will harness love to defeat Trump” is the exact thing as Trump saying he will make America great again. There’s no plan

Jenelle Evans should not have any more children. Her husband is 1000% capable of killing someone. I would never ever forgive someone if they killed our dog in front of our children, I would be scared for my life and my children’s lives... I don’t understand how she regained custody.

The men who claim to be smeared can and usually do threaten to sue via the civil route. Almost all of them never follow through though, which is interesting because the civil courts have different standards.

If it’s what you say it is, I love it.

Not sure why Anna Wintour’s opinion is so revered. She always accommodates fame. She adjusted to the kartrashians. She will “rethink” anyone. Relevance demands it.

Pictured - Chat Guevara!

I would rock those sneaks every day. Twice on Sundays. One million times tomorrow.

Look at you, with your “empirical facts” and “evidence based” comments. What are you, a communist?

don jr knows for a fact that nike was only meeting with the russians to discuss shoes for orphans.