
You’re a remarkable idiot

It seems like you should revisit the Tao Te Ching’s lessons on compassion, you're doing a pretty piss poor job of actualizing them here

I’m an office PA but sometimes I get asked to do lockups (that’s the word for asking pedestrians to wait while we’re shooting) and I used to be a set PA who did lockups all the time. Lockups suck because of people like you.

Your film shoot horror story is that you were a jerk to a group of PAs who were just doing their jobs?

Cool story. I’m sure that everyone would love to talk about public policy surrounding park closures at another time. Right now, in this thread about the likely death of a widely loved and regarded auto journalist, we’d like to talk about him.

Jesus, dude - how big of an asshole are you trying to be? Someone shit in your cornflakes this morning? Take a second look at the OP of this comment thread’s comment.

Because your comments are absolutely coming off as “this is a stupid guy that did a stupid thing and it is not fair that it may impact me in any way”.

Still. not. the. place. for. this.

He’ll need a map and instructions.

There is a time and place for comments like this.  

Davey was my best and only friend from k-6th grade and really gave credence to the final words in the movie Stand By Me, “I never had any friends later on like I had when I was 12.” Rather, I am 43 now and I still have never found a friend quite like him later in life. Sadly I will never get to tell him face to face

As soon as I heard about where the bike was found my first thought was he went in the river. Its even worse this year because we had late snow so now there will be more surging and the water is super cold.  Sad way to end this story but nothing people in California don’t already know about.

Lived all over the Sac area for 35 years, and sadly, this is a story we hear repeated every damn year. Springtime rivers are no joke. From all accounts a great guy. What a waste.

I don’t get her at all.”

Except for guidance counselors, it’s not two hours a week, it’s their full-time job.

My guidance counselor cost me acceptance to motherfuckin’ Yale. I had a really good GPA, a surprisingly high SAT, and extra curriculars out the wazoo. I applied at a few Kudzu league schools, a few back ups and decided “ what the hell. Send an application on to Yale for shits and giggles”. Somehow my SAT AND ACT scores

I go back and forth with those facebook friend requests. I get one from my former bullies every now and then and I think, “Am I still holding this grudge?” then I say, ‘hell yeah, if this request didn’t come with an apology, fuck them.” 

I never “got” my Ph.D. diploma because Florida State University said I owed them $60 after I’d paid them tens of thousands, and I said I’d see them in hell.

She also used Black Women’s bodies for her aesthetic then threw those dancers to the side when she went back the music that made her money.

I don’t think it’s calling out misogyny that’s the problem with Cyrus, though. She showed up with her Disney princess credibility, stole a bunch of stuff she liked from hip hop (including some fairly gross hypersexualization, in my opinion!), made her money, then turned around and rubbished the whole genre.