
my goodness, you are a twat.

You go through a lot of garbage bags when you have a lot of bodies laying around...

You are so salty that I needed two gallons of water to get though your entire post. Cry more dear man.

Have six kids and you will no longer laugh. That’s like a week’s worth.

And if you get a hotdog at the snack stand after buying the ring, you save an additional, like, $10 on lunch.

Nine years ago, my daughter made it to the regional bee, and within one mis-heard word of going to the national bee. The regional went 30 rounds–the last 10 between my daughter and the eventual winner. It was excruciating and thrilling. Parental brag hat on, I was proud most of all because my daughter made it that

Well, then you may as well toss every competition: this is how most of them work.

I think the Spelling Bee is stupid as hell (especially now that I know that it’s basically a racket), but I will say that I immediately judge and caste down people who write things like “defanate” or mistake “effect” and “affect”, etc. This automatically makes you a peon and NOT WORTHY OF MY CONTINUED CORRESPONDENCE.

My husband and I get into this a lot, he’s a terrible speller, I’m anal about it. While I agree that it has become less important given the rise of computers/auto correct, there are still arguments to be made for its importance! Just this morning he messaged “rye” when he meant “wry” and we had a great laugh about it.

I kept wondering whether I was some idiot because apart from some character choices, I thought the final season was fine and I liked the finale.

Apologies.. I’ve just heard what seems like nothing but criticism for the final season, or the finale itself and as someone who thought that they ended it very much in the spirit of the story as a whole, it bothers me. I’m obviously “Fan so hard.” about ASOIAF and GOT.

I like Britney’s music OK, but I worry about her profoundly. She looks exhausted, and I will never understand how/why her “people” continue to use cheap hair extensions done badly and crap make-up. There’s a big pile of money that everyone is fighting over and apparently very little of it is being spent on her.

And have you seen the actual video? Maybe he didn’t know anything about dogs, because the dog was clearly feeling threatened, flattening himself against the sofa away from the little girl as she kept moving toward him - and then he snapped at her. You could see it coming from a mile away!

The Battle of Winterfell took 55 NIGHTS to film, in all weather. For a feature film, that’s huge- BUT THAT WAS FOR A TV SHOW.

If you could shoot your own dog in cold blood you could do just about anything. There’s a reason violence towards animals is on the checklist for sociopathy. Those poor kids. Whatever network airs that trash should help pay for therapy. 

Plus, he spent his entire 20s there: arguably one’s most emotionally formative decade as an ‘adult’.

I think he would have been perfectly fine for another 2-3 seasons if they wanted to give it proper time to finish strong. His stress came from the show ending, not being in it for so long.
I just hope he doesn’t feel bad because of all the people disappointed by the final season, everyone is praising the actors and

He told a story on Graham Norton that he came up with an idea that after filming he was going to smoothly say “Not anymore” when people asked “aren’t you Jon Snow?”, but the first time someone asked him after filming ended, he immediately started crying when he said it.

I can only imagine. He went from having no screen credits at all to being one of three main characters in the biggest HBO show ever (he was a stage actor before getting cast). 

I love that you added a link to finding help in the Kit Harrington story. Because self-care isn’t just for celebrities.