
Would people jut fucking read the play before they propose this shit? The women of Athens didn’t just cut off sex, they also seized the treasury, cutting the men off from the funds they needed for the war. I’m down for the don’t fuck ‘em and start robbing legislatures plan, but it’s a flop without that last part.

She didn’t hear directly from the company until almost 12 hours later, at 12:34 p.m. on Thursday.

There is no such thing as a “Duke of Earl.”

Mjolnir doesn't necessarily judge a person by our standards.  It judges by Asgardian standards. Kingship, valor, honor, etc.  Steve was always a good person, but wasn't always "worthy" to Mjolnir.  Perhaps because of his soldier mindset of taking orders, or his hiding the truth from a close friend, or that he simply

...did anyone not clock Thor screaming “I knew it!” as his stating that Cap could have lifted it in AoU?

Coincidentally, the phrase he felt it move when he tugged” is found in over 90% of Cap Thor slashfic. At the risk of ruining the innuendo with a relevant Joss Whedon reference, the hammer is his penis.

I’m inclined to think that he felt it move when he tugged, and then decided he wasn’t worthy by himself. That’s just how I read the scene, though.

But hey: Did you know that Steve could have picked up that ol’ hammer any dang time he wanted to, from Age Of Ultron up to its destruction in Ragnarok?

Wait until they reveal Tony Stark poops in the suit.

I suspect the “who does he look like” was a coded way of asking about the baby’s skin color. But yes, all those questions were ridiculous. He looks like a newborn baby, he’s probably looks adorably sweet when he sleeps but also cries when he’s hungry/needs to be changed because he is a newborn baby, and that’s what

Remember when people said that this scandal would hurt her career? I had never heard of her before and now she’s famous enough to get covered in Dirtbag multiple times a week. 

Cue the Women’s Magazines and assorted Tabloid headlines in the next few weeks:

As long as she picked them, I am cool with it. She wore heels all through her pregnancy, and as crazy as it sounds, there are plenty of women who wear heels so often that they feel more comfortable in them (I know women whose calves hurt when they switch to flats!).

True, but I’d imagine she wasn’t wearing that dress for more than 30 minutes or so. And I doubt she ever sat down in it. 

“Parenting is amazing. It’s only been, what, two and a half days, three days, but we’re just so thrilled to have our own little bundle of joy, and to be able to spend some special time with him as he slowly starts to grow up,” Harry added.

That reminds me of how Kevin Federline got called a leech for asking for more child support, despite the fact that he has sole custody, which has enabled her to work, get/stay healthy and have a decent relationship with her kids.

Remember the outrage when his annual salary was raised to $100,000 and everyone was screaming about him robbing her? A hundred grand a year to work 24-7 protecting her interests, her estate, and her essential wellbeing. He gave up his own life and his own job to do so, and she turned around right in front of our eyes

Even before this, the comments on here were always about how her dad was shady and taking advantage of her, so of course people are all over this Free Britney shit.

So, I assume everyone who was calling Britney’s family a bunch of exploitative parasites who were a part of some vast conspiracy theory in the #FreeBritney article a few weeks back are going to admit they were wrong?