
Congratulations to Nona and Decima. I hope their new families show them as much love and care as you have.

Shelter Cat Update!

It’s time for the Weekly Achievement Thread! What have you done this week that is particularly amazing, big or small? Tell us about it so that we can marvel in your awesomeness!

You know, if I heard a story about parents freaking out over a “Rainbow Brite Slumber Party” I’d bet my life savings it was going to be a homophobic thing.

Neither, jinni. The spreadsheet tracked *girls* ages 12-17. There are no women on that list, and Scott admitted during a deposition last year that not only has he never authorized anyone in the ORR system to get an abortion, but he also does not believe that there are any circumstances under which he would authorize

They should have been taken away the minute she decided to bring the piece of shit man who molested her older daughter back around after getting out of prison. I mean, jfc. Clearly she cares much more about herself than any of her children’s wellbeing. 

Let’s be serious: she didn’t lose all that weight from diet and exercise, she lost all that weight because she’s a crackhead.

I don’t want you to get sticked or nothing.

Someone take her children away!!!!  This woman is beyond a piece of shit. 

The Beatles conducted a years-long campaign to drive up fear of record producers? Try again. Manson had those people murdered because he was pissed that a record producer, who had until recently been the renter of the house, wouldn’t sign him. It was a personal grudge gone awry. Unless we learn that these other

She breasted boobily to the stairs, and titted downwards. By Eric Erickson.

I’m not convinced this is a real person. Are we sure this isn’t just Republicans trying to catfish the Jewish community using the least believable bait?

“...his honesty” Please stop confusing “honesty” with “he’s willing to say the racist things out loud that I am too chickenshit to say out loud myself’.

Another Trump fraudster. Harvard student? No. Fashion model? More like PR placement. Pro skater? Where? Poet? More like bad lyricist - to be charitable. Religious Jew? They really don’t intermarry, so even that doesn’t check out.

I mean. If you make the deliberate choice to work for evil but are “terrified they would find out that I was one of the so-called evil people” then maybe it’s time to re-evaluate your life choices and possibly your decision-making process.

If you murdered 49 people and referenced me I, as a rational person, would be very hurt and dismayed by this. I would take a DEEP look into my language and my message and try to see why you did this. Is my message being distorted? Or am I actually sharing hurtful things about another race/religion/etc?
I would do

The term for this is “stochastic terrorism” - fanning intolerance and hinting at violence toward a group without ever providing specifics that could legally tie you to the resulting violence.

I know you’re not making a good faith argument, but I’m going to answer earnestly, as if you were.

I hate that the media is tying Trump into this because the guy... [EXPLICITLY REFERENCED DONALD TRUMP AS A SYMBOL OF ‘RENEWED WHITE IDENTITY’]”

Also “consensus” and “stoic”